By Fahim A. Knight-El
Donald Trump has moved further right than any past
Some of these same white Christians
who toted the bible in one hand and dressed up in hoods and burned crosses in
the name of Jesus and the white Knights casted ballots for Trump; the Neo-Nazi
and white supremacy groups after his victory were applauding and cheering for
their man. But his Jewish son-in-law Jared Kushner should have stood with the
people and condemned these hat groups who have a long history of anti-Semitism
and anti-Black violence and have a history of committing acts of terrorism
against African American people and innocent Jews. Why hasn’t the
Anti-Defamation League (ADL) come front and center to condemn Donald Trump for
indirect linkages and association with white hate groups? But his message
resonated with large segments of the white American population
who had become disillusioned and dissatisfied with the political mood over
America under President Barack Obama, an African American president; who had
been ridiculed by a rising climate of racism and hate for his entire eight
years as commander-in-chief. They initially thought his election had brought us
to a post-racial era and an end to American racism, however, we would quickly found
out that this was the furthest thing from the truth, because institutionalized
racism was entrenched in the very fiber of America's socio-political traditions
and systems and it wasn’t going anywhere no time soon.
I truly do not think that Trump understood the level of
dissatisfaction that existed inside America amongst white people and
his overwhelmingly presidential win even caught him off guard and shocked
him that people would cast ballots for a political novice who had no previous
political experience, but he won the Electoral College votes by a landslide. His victory over Hillary Clinton has possibly led to the redrawing of the electoral map relative to what use to be traditional blue states and red states were rearranged by Trump this phenomena was unlike anything, we have seen in recent American political history.
Trump went into the heart of the lion's den and challenged Senator
Ted Cruz who like former Governor Mike Huckabee openly taunted Christian
values as so-called conservative Christian politicians. This stance almost always guaranteed receiving the political support of evangelical
white Christians, which in past elections were always courted by republican
candidates, in particular in the southern Bible belt States. Their power to
influence presidential elections was evident up until the 2016 presidential
election. But many thought that Cruz (Senator from Texas) was preaching
and singing the evangelical language; and oddly enough Trump could not even
quote a biblical scripture and did not appear that he had any real church or
religious ties that was meaningful (in prior presidential campaigns this would
have mattered, but in 2016 just white skin and racial slogans of duplicity
outweighed past historical alliances).
Former President Ronald Reagan and George H.W.
Bush as vice president used evangelical right-wingers to justify
reactionary U.S. foreign policy and military aggression in the name of God. Back
then Pat Robinson, Jerry Falwell, Billy Graham, etc., were the go to clergy
voices that would set the religious ideological tone by politically justifying United States aggression and imperialism across
the globe by openly invoking the name of God into U.S. foreign policy matters. For
example, the decade of the 1980s signaled a new political era for
America, in particular and the world in general, with the 1980 election of
Ronald Wilson Reagan propagandized a false sense of
evangelical emotionalism and ushered in a political-religious patriotism that incited Americans
towards taking a proactive position in world domination. Reagan would continue to
strategically galvanized his rightwing propaganda tools, the conservative
Christian right, along with their "morally correct" clergy, and they
went on a "moral manifest destiny" crusade in order to so-called
create a world more safer for democracy and missionaries (they only made the
world more safer for the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and
international banks to steal by wrapping their tentacles around the entire globe).
If the truth be told the evangelicals probably did not like Donald
Trump's promiscuity and his overall moral ineptitude (this was the making of
strange bedfellows), but silently they shared in his racial politics of issuing
in a white manifest destiny. Reagan was a master manipulator of the media, both
electronic and print. He molded and shaped public opinion and thought in
whatever direction he desired (Trump has been equally affective in manipulating
propaganda and disseminating disinformation) his top level spokesperson
Kellyann Conway calls it presenting alternative facts.
Reagan got into these minor Cold War military skirmishes in 1983, he attacked the small Caribbean island of Grenada ,
but only as a demonstration of military flexing, the world knew this tiny
Caribbean communist inspired nation was no match for the powerful U.S. military
and government. The Bible toting "morally correct" evangelical
preachers (Pat Robertson, Billy Graham, and Jerry Falwell) came to the defense
of United States
aggression, because Prime Minister Maurice Bishop was depicted as a bad communist. And all parties understood the 1823 Monroe
Doctrine and the implications of Cuba
and the USSR imposing
influence in America ’s
backyard would not be tolerated.
The conservative Christians (they viewed communism as a atheistic system that threatened global Christian values) along with the U.S. government
moved towards ending the Cold War by using East Berlin and West Berlin as the
visible symbol of bringing closure to a divisive era in world history, which
had old international alignments that went back to World War II rooted in the
former USSR and NATO ideologies. The U.S. created an illusion in the political
minds of the West and idea that the world could never make the necessary global
paradigm transition properly unless communism and its Eastern bloc influence
had to be eliminated and in the name of "Jesus" and in the interest of capitalism
expansion (this new alignment exposed Russia as an antagonist
reactionary capitalist nation who had hid for decades under Marxism-Leninism inspired
Under the Reagan/Bush administration, the
Trump is systematically inducing fear in
Trumps policies will be devastating to the middle class and
poor whites, but as I have stated in previous Blogs, it is the white supremacy
mentality (which has become an incurable disease) in America
that would cause them to vote against their own political, economic and social
interest (their white privilege is not on the same level of Trump's white privilege). The poor
whites who many of them live way below the poverty line—unemployed, poorly
educated, do not have adequate health care, and have shorter life
expectations and their overall quality of life is one of disillusionment and
because of entrenched racist values, they could not see beyond Donald Trump’s many
games of political deception. He
covertly rallied them around race by playing the blame game and they do not
understand that this white billionaire's allegiance is only to other
billionaires and the poor whites in this nation share nothing with Donald
Trump other than white skin.
White folk just were glad to hear a white politician echo the
emotional sentiments of 'lets make America great again' and they got caught up in
the mix, because Trump convinced them that the Latinos were their problems
and the cause for them losing jobs and it was Muslim-Americans whom
he subtlety tied to Islamic radical extremism that were threatening the safety
of American white citizens. Trump indeed gave them something to believe in and
rally around, which was the artificial value in their white skin in which they
falsely believed that they shared this divine manifest destiny with their
new white shinning Knight named Donald J. Trump.
They still cannot see a direct correlation between a
government that's under Trump's administration that is going to
further enrich the Elitist class and implement domestic policy that's going to
expand the hunger lines across America and poverty will be
taking to an entirely new level. Life (black or white) and humanity do not
matter in his worldview; I detest poverty, because I believe, there are
enough resources to ensure the basics of food, clothing and shelter could be
adequately met to satisfy the needs of humanity. There are enough resources on
the planet to adequately meet the needs of the entire globe. The root of
poverty is greed this creates a varied of reactionary symptoms and is the root
of human suffering where 95% of the world’s wealth is controlled by 1% of
the population.
This Elitist segment sees the planet as belonging to them,
it’s this disparity that causes national and global hunger in particular
amongst Emerging and Developing Nation (use to be referred to as ‘Third
World Nations’). This systematic induced
disparity causes people to have to live in substandard conditions because their
economies have been systematically depressed and often their currency has been
devalued by Western Governments who are members of the G-8 and G-20
Nations. John Knowles, the President of the Rockefeller Foundation,
in its annual report for 1975: "I am sure of only one thing—more is not
necessarily better. The web of interdependence is tightening. We are one world
and there will be one future—for better or for worse—for us all. Central to a
new ethic of making less more is controlled economic growth which conserves
scarce resources provides more equitable distribution of income and wealth ... ‘
There must be a redistribution of the world’s wealth with
the world’s people; this is the only solution to ending national and global
poverty. This phenomenon creates a vicious cycle of human social, political and
economic disruption (which translates into unspeakable oppression which creates
systemic outcomes) on poor people in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, Central and South America by determining other nations Gross National
Products (GNP). Even in the United
States one of the most industrialized
nations in the world, poverty and hunger still remains an issue—there has been
in recent years and increase in people being forced to live in homeless
shelters and eat their meals at soup kitchens.
Yet, our U.S. Government, in particular our congress has
become more conservative and anti poor—social programs are being cut and the
poor are being politically scapegoat for causing the political, economic and
social issues plaguing the United States. It was Hurricane Katrina in 2005,
that exposed that there were two Americas—poor and black; the media gave the
public a firsthand look at how poor people in New Orleans lived in conditions
equalvent to “Third World Nations” the scene was shocking to most Americans
because they did not know and could not believe that level of poverty existing
inside the United States of America (President George W. Bush even called the black people of New Orleans refugees as though they were 'third world' people). The Katrina crisis and scene was despicable and was
a clear indication that America
had failed its people. The poor even after President Lyndon Baines Johnson’s
war on poverty American and the Great Society—some forty-Five years later a
great deal of the American people still lived in substandard conditions.
Many worked minimum wages jobs, (classified by sociologist as
the working poor), lacked education, lived in public housing or were part of
some housing arrangement where the government subsides the rent, and many have
minor aged children where there are no fathers in the homes; and mothers are forced to raise
their children in single parent homes (this further complicates dysfunctional
family structures and continues the cycle of poverty and disillusionment). The
once blue collar and non-skilled jobs are readily fading out and U.S. businesses
and corporations have abandoned the American people by outsourcing and
downsizing their corporate interest by finding cheaper labor and product (raw materials)
markets across seas. This social phenomenon in my opinion has given rise to the
Prison Industrial Complex (which has led to mass incarceration) where cities and towns across America have
become the homes of privatizes corporate prisons. The United States
has over seven (7) million people incarcerated, perhaps more than any other
industrial nation in the world. Trump’s public policies will further acerbate the
problems already confronting the poor and top of list who will eventually become dismayed
will be poor white people after they wake up and come to recognize that they had
been hoodwinked by a sophisticated conman.
The corporate outsourcing of part of the U.S. economy to Asia, Central and South America
have allowed capitalist to exploit overseas markets, which negatively impacts
the job market and the U.S.
economy. The earth is 196, 940,000 square miles and 57, 255, 000 square miles
of land. The poor white citizens along with most Americans who do not have the ability to predict
and see the backlashes will eventually be led to a painful reality unless we are willing to deal with poverty, it’s superficial to
talk about national security or building a wall around the United States or
signing insignificant executive orders. I am a pessimist in which I am
not optimistic about the United States
national or global course as we move forward in the next four to
eight years, because I see a vicious assault on the poor and have 'nots' and these type reactionary policies are going to create un-precedent protest and rebellions in the
streets of America .
We are treading on some dangerous waters relative to the U.S. previous commitment to at least giving
the appearance of respecting the U.S. democracy, but Trump
is bent on totally obliterating the United States Constitution and
compromising of the American jurisprudence rules of law. All I can tell
you is to get ready and be prepared for new and dangerous chapter to be written
in American history.
Fahim A. Knight-El Chief Researcher for KEEPING IT REAL
THINK TANK located in Durham ,
NC ;
our mission is to inform African Americans and all people of goodwill, of the
pending dangers that lie ahead; as well as decode the symbolism and
reinterpreted the hidden meanings behind those who operate as invisible forces,
but covertly rules the world. We are of the belief that an enlightened world
will be better prepared to throw off the shackles of ignorance and not be
willing participants for the slaughter. Our MOTTO is speaking truth to power.
Fahim A. Knight-El can be reached at
Now I know you're an oddball.
Allah the freeks shall be
occultish, witches, the LEFT...
unless they repent.
trustNjesus, bro.
God bless your indelible soul.
Peace which Jesus are you referring? Surely his name wasn't Jesus, but one thing for sure I never accept that distorted version of Western Christianity which is rooted in white world supremacy.
Stay Awake Until We Meet Again,
Bro. Fahim A. Knight-El
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