Friday, December 30, 2011



By Fahim A. Knight-El

I have had tremendous amounts of conversations within the last five years relative to Ancient Free and Accepted Masons (AF&AM) and Prince Hall Affiliated Masonry (PHA) squabbles about Masonic legitimacy—in particular how these two orders were formulated historically and the present day impact it still has on the relationship of the two distinct Masonic orders and membership. There are many who believe that AF&AM and Prince Hall Affiliated Masonry (PHA) need to remain separate and apart, thus, and see no possibly of reconciliation. I think, if Black AF&AM brothers throughout the United States continues to do good and exemplify Brotherly love, Friendship and Morality, it would be just a matter of time, that the two sects Grand lodges (AF&AM and PHA) in the various cities and states will eventually see the LIGHT and work together to bring about full recognition. if we as Prince Hall Masons can grant full Masonic recognition to our white Masonic counterparts (although up until the last 10-20 years many of them did not reciprocate the gesture) and still practice intra-discrimination and black racism against their own black Masonic brothers of the Craft (AF&AM and other black non-Prince Hall Masonic orders) this; thus, represents the utmost hypocrisy and contradiction and it serves as proof positive that in deed we have falling victims to the schemes of self-hatred that were perpetrated some 150 plus years ago against black people and sadly to say, we are still carrying out their plans without been told.

But there are others who are open to the possibility of creating positive dialog and reaching across the isle, in the spirit of acquiring a unilateral brotherhood that seeks Black Masonic unity. I do feel both sides of the arguments and as a Prince Hall Mason myself, I share in some of the grievances that have been waged and whether they are legitimate or not, it must be determined by each individual, which will require doing their own research in which to determine whose right and wrong in this Masonic divide. Some time I am led to believe that this divide is being festered by ego and superego driven Grand Masters and Masonic jurisdictions who are suspended in time and are fearful of moving forward from a debate that is over one hundred years old. But I think it’s often the negative sentiments echoed by PHA zealots that gets more attention than the sensible and fair minded Prince Hall Masons relative to the question of Masonic legitimacy and many non-Prince Hall Masons outside of our order formulate a negative opinion of the entire Prince Hall order because of this. I have always entered these type dialogs with an open mind. There are radical and high emotions (which lack rational thinking) on both sides of this issue and it actually skews the debate and it compromises the effort to understand one another as brothers.

The question of Masonic "legitimacy" amongst African American Masonic orders are inextricably tied to the history and evolution of Prince Hall Freemasonry within the United States of America (being perhaps the first constituted black Masonic lodge in the United States—1784 viewed as the mother of black Freemasonry in the United States) and it has been a nemesis to other black Masonic orders that have evolved and were created after Prince Hall Masonry was established. Many (non-Prince Hall Masons) have become reactionary to this fact and even deep down inside in some of these groups minds they perceive themselves as being less than PHA because they have subtly bought into the propaganda that the only true "regular" body of recognized black Masons in the United States is the Prince Hall order and simultaneously this has fed into Prince Hall brothers superego in which has established this superficial disposition of believing the hype that all other Black Masonic orders other than PHA is "clandestine".

I think black Masonic unity has to first have an open dialog and debate on the topic of black Masonic "regularity" in which no holes are barred. Although, even after such dialog, we still may have to agree to disagree on some issues, but at least we should recognize those long standing black non-Prince Hall Masonic orders that have demonstrated a positive track record and follows the Masonic landmarks. I think mutual recognition should be established in the name of black Masonic unity, it is imperative that we consider this in the name of Masonic progress, unless our great grandchildren will view us as voluntarily carrying out the Willie Lynch Plan.

Let me say right from the gate, I do think there should be some Masonic criteria and guidelines that are in place to govern the process that oversees Masonic Grand lodges and subordinate lodges who are seeking to become duly constituted and chartered/or dispensation Masonic lodges by ensuring that there is a legitimate affiliation and belonging to some recognized Grand Body of competent jurisdiction empowering it to work. If not for some established rules and guideline then any clandestine, bogus, and/or irregular Masonic entity can pop up with a fictious charter and/or Masonic renegade group can come in the name of Freemasonry—Ancient Free and Accepted Masonry or Prince Hall Masonry with ill fated intentions. But we must have a test instrument to determine the legitimacy of such claims in order to determine, if you are in deed a "regular" body of Masons or in deed a “clandestine” organization.

Often one's charter would be the overriding indicator/evidence of whether or not a Grand Lodge and its subordinate lodges have the right and authority to function as a "regular" Freemasonic entity. The charter would give us proof positive of a Grand Lodge Masonic origin, date it was considered "regular", signatures of Masonic authorization, and permission to function and disperse legitimate degree work according to our modern and ancient landmarks. There must be some oversight because many bogus fly-by-night lodges pop up across the United States in huge numbers every year proclaiming to be "regular" bodies of Freemasons in which many of these groups are con groups who are looking to financially capitalize off the name of Freemasonry by duping those who potentially desire to become Masons. But somehow ran into, perhaps the wrong group and became victims of Masonic scams—hustlers and pimps who had no legitimate authorize charter to function as a Masonic entity, but wrongfully used this powerful knowledge to manipulate the innocence of gullible potential candidates.

Now, I am for Black Masonic unity and in all of my writings and articles, I have consistently advocated around this premise and I have equally espoused that we do not need white or European Masonic Jurisdictions to be the determining body to declare our Masonic "regularity" such as the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE), perhaps the most recognized Masonic govern body the world-over. Moreover, historically, if a western lodge could not trace their roots and origin to the UGLE, it would be automatically declared to be "irregular". Many black non-Prince Hall Masons have tried to put forth an argument that Prince Hall African Grand Lodge # 459 (originally African Lodge # 1) of Massachusetts was not recognized as a "regular" body of Masons, although, Prince Hall was granted a charter in 1784 from its Mother Lodge UGLE in which Prince Hall and fifteen other black Masons were made Masons at the bequest of a traveling Irish Military lodge and were raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason.

I think in the early 1990s there were some additional addendums that solidified the legal aspect of Prince Hall Masonic Order receiving full recognition from the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE). I have never personally recognized the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) as having the authority over African rooted Freemasonry because the Kemetic (Egyptian) Mystery School system goes much further back than 1717. This has always been a point of contention between me and other Prince Hall Masons, I have taken this position because of acquiring the knowledge of self and I see the black man as the original man in which all knowledge sprung. The ancient Nubians had established a sophisticated and complicated system of neophyte initiations long before the Europeans came in contact with this mythical knowledge. There is no historical doubt in my mind that the origin of the ancient esoteric, occult and Gnostic wisdom and knowledge goes back to ancient Kemet (Egypt). It was Africans who gave the world civilization. Our Afrocentric scholars based on their tireless scholarship have dismantled the half-truths and outright lies giving to us by Eurocentric Masonic scholars in which most black Masons have embraced and follow (this behavior is probably a direct correlation to the affects Chattel slavery had on the psychological development of black people).

However, I do not think that white Grand Lodges are actually participating in some grand scheme to keep black Masons divided, but I am of the opinion that it is ego-driven black Masonic leadership and ignorance that have driven this divide. Why do not John G. Jones Freemasonic lineage—Ancient Free and Accepted Masons and Prince Hall Free and Accepted Masons make a conscious effort to move beyond the artificial barriers that keeps us divided and come to a binding Masonic resolution geared toward full and complete recognition based on black Masonic unity? We owe this to Prince Hall and John G. Jones two Masonic pioneers who preached brotherly love and enlightenment.

There are, perhaps still eleven historical southern Confederate States within the United States in 2011 that still have not recognized Prince Hall Grand Lodges as a ”regular” body of Masons and for over 200 years has viewed Prince Hall Masons as a body of clandestine Masons (their position represents the epitome of racism). For example, in North Carolina the Masonic jurisdiction in which I hail under, it was not until 2008, that the White Ancient Free and Accepted Masons extended full Masonic recognition to Prince Hall Masons. These Negroes were cheering and celebrating that their ex-slave master’s children having finally recognized them as full and complete Masons (these Negroes attended a Masonic luncheon in Raleigh, North Carolina hosted by the white AF&AM order—they were laughing and scratching where they did not itch and somehow white Masons felt vindicated after practicing 200 years of discrimination and racism). The Negro Masons felt whole that the white Masons of North Carolina finally curtailed their racist behavior and extended an olive branch of full Masonic recognition to their black Masonic counterpart. I did not give a damn about the decision and did not attend the official recognition ceremony because it was sicken to think that we needed white Masonic approval to justify our present and historical existence as a body of African American Masons.

I think many astute readers that have interest in this topic, perhaps already know Prince Hall Masonic version of John G. Jones being a former suspended PHA Mason who left the organization not in good standings and it has been this historical controversial that has spewed debates on both sides of whether or not Brother Jones' present day Masonic lineage should be considered "regular' or 'irregular' relative to his Masonic claims of yesterday. I have had many discussions with AF&AM brothers about this historical controversial and often from the Prince Hall perspective, it is maintained that Brother John G. Jones did not have an official charter decreed upon him by an official Masonic entity. Now, this is where it gets a little sticky, in particular for us African American Masons who ancestors arrived to the Americas as captives and prisoners of war. We look for Caucasian Masonry—the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) as the official legitimate Masonic body who so-called has the determining authority to declare what Masonic bodies would be consider "clandestine" and "regular".

This is atypical behavior of the Mis-Education of the Negro, as Dr. Carter G. Woodson defined this type of thinking back in 1933. We do not consider ourselves to be 'official' or 'legitimate' unless we have the approval and sanction of white folk (a condition of mental slavery). So as a Prince Hall Mason, I would argue that Brother John G. Jones had every right to exercise a sovereign mind and establish his own AF&AM organization outside of white approval and/or even PHA black approval. Some AF&AM have sought to make the claim that John G. Jones received a charter form Romania, however I do not think there is any credible documentation that proves that Jones received a Masonic charter from Romania or any other European Nation. He was a high ranking Prince Hall Masonic official from the state of Illinois who had acquired all the knowledge from all the Masonic Houses both practical and philosophical and knew how to set-up and structure a Masonic organization and he did just that.

But here is my argument, the Europeans stole and corrupted this ancient knowledge from Kemet (ancient Egypt) and I maintain that it's insane for us to be looking for some white (Romania) or British (UGLE) Masonic entities to validate our Masonic reality. This knowledge belongs to the Black man and whether you are AF&AM or PHA, it is our duty to reclaim what's rightfully ours. My brothers, I have written so many articles designed to teach all my Masonic brothers to look beyond the lies and distortions of western Freemasonry. In the early 1900s Caucasian Masons took Prince Hall Masons and Shriners to court claiming that Prince Hall Masonry was 'clandestine' " ... the White Masonic Order lost their legal battle to the Black Masons and on June 23, 1929, the United States Supreme Court handed down the decision that guaranteed that Prince Hall Masons and Shriners had all the rights as a fraternity to appear in public and in private to practice the time honored traditions of Masonry.

Lastly, I have had some very spirited debates on aspects of Speculative Freemasonry with some Ancient Free and Accepted Freemasons (AF&AM) and about the history and origin of African American (Black) Masonry in the United States. I do agree whole heartily with brother Ralph McNeal and Brother Ezekiel M. Bey, Grand Historian of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of New York and other prominent Prince Hall officials of the Phylaxis Society who exposes many of these Bogus Freemasonic organizations on their website. But I have come to respect some of the positions of black AF&AM due mainly through my independent research and dialog with Worshipful Master brother Joseph Ferguson of King Solomon Lodge #514 (AF& AM) in Dallas, Texas who has been more than willing to openly share the black AF&AM perspective with me and I have learned a lot from our many dialogs about this non-Prince Hall Masonic order. Brother Ferguson has also been open to constructive criticism coming from me—but I never tried to belittle the Masonic organization that he chose. I see him nothing short of a Masonic brother that has been tried, never denied and ready to be tried again (I see and accept him as a brother Mason). Yet, I do not speak for all of Prince Hall Masons (I am representing my views as an individual) nor do I speak for the Phylaxis Society—there are many hardliners who will have nothing to do with a non-Prince Hall Mason or accept the legality of their Masonic claims to them they will always be a clandestine organization.

I have also had a number of conversations whereas a brother has joined an AF&AM lodge and after joining has felt that he was duped. There are some instances in which a potential brother knocked (or asked one to be one) some Masonic orders do not give them the full and complete history of their Masonic order. I see John G. Jones as one of the pioneers of Ancient Free and Accepted Masonry (AF&AM), but the fact of the matter is that he was an expelled Prince Hall Mason from Illinois jurisdiction; I do my best to stay away from which Masonic orders should be deemed "clandestine" and "irregular" because of the sensitivity of the subject and I do not think Prince Hall Free and Accepted Masons should place themselves as the official overseers of Black Freemasonry within the United States and have taking the role to determine who will be considered a "regular" body of Masons.

Brother John G. Jones played a huge role in establishing the Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine and as 32nd (Scottish Rite) degree and Knights Templar (York Rite) degree members petition the Shrine, Jones' history is taught within this degree. However, North Carolina Prince Hall Code book states that all Masonic houses above the Blue Lodge is considered appendix and auxiliary bodies (no higher than the Master Mason Degree, but lateral degrees), which further translate to mean that unless a Mason is in good standings (this includes but not limited to being suspended and/or Masonic excommunicated) in the Blue Lodge no other Masonic house can be officially validated.

If a Shriner has not met his financial requirements or obligation in the Blue House (by not being in good standings) then this automatically affects his standings in all the above appendix and auxiliary bodies. So one could reason why and how, this contradiction has taking place with Brother John G. Jones being denied acceptability in the Blue House and at the same time revered and respected in the Shrine (these two Masonic bodies are totally separate).

Now, if the Prince Hall Shriners have reconciled the History of Brother John G. Jones in the Shrine (he established the black Shrine degree as it was organized under the Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. However, most learned Prince Hall Masons attributes the Shrine theory to Ali Rofelt Pasha prior to its official establishment in 1893) and if this history is being taught in the Shrine Temples; it becomes a big historical contradiction that needs to be rectified and amended by Prince Hall Masonry on all levels relative to them passing a Masonic resolution and going back over 100 years later and exonerating and expunging Brother John G. Jones of all the charges levied against him and work to heal the divided Masonic family. This would be a great step in atonement and reconciliation of the Black Masonic Family. I think members of the black Ancient Free and Accepted Masons (AF&AM) need to propose to the Prince Hall Grand Lodges that Brother Jones be pardoned of any perceived wrongdoings and lets work to remove all the negative stigmas that are hindering Masonic unity. I also, would like to see AF&AM giving an option to be invited back into the fold of Prince Hall Masonry and/or remain sovereign, independent and separate, but each order is given full and complete recognition one to the other.

However, If I am in distress and I am forced to give the Grand Hail sign and to whisper the word in a low tone, it would not matter to me if an AF&AM brother or PHA brother came to my rescue and nor will I be asking what Masonic affiliation do they belong (or question their race and nationality). I would be saying praise the lord that there were some help that came to the poor widow’s son. This internal disputes often becomes null-in-void when distress is knocking at our door. The more this system collapses upon itself, it is going to require us to look more to one another for assistance and we were taught that you should be able to recognize a brother in darkness as well as in LIGHT; this recognition gives us a true clue to what our Masonic disposition should be and how we have falling victims to the artificial barriers

Yet, I do believe as I have stated above, that we all have a duty and responsibility to defend Freemasonry from fly by night clandestine groups who do not possess a charter or dispensation from some legitimate grand body empowering it to work. I advocate that brothers do their due diligence and homework prior to joining a Masonic order and become fully informed about their history and to make sure they possess a recognized legal charter.

I always advise newly raised brothers to view the Master Mason degree as a stepping stone to even higher knowledge and do not view the 3rd degree of having obtained all the knowledge that one need. Speculative Masonry is a huge field and often we do not continue to delve into all the esoteric, occult and Gnostic knowledge associated with working towards understanding Freemasonry from the various inter-connective links after we are raised from a dead level to a living perpendicular on the Square (what a mistake of great magnitude). I advise that each newly brother acquire a Masonic Library and find like minds in the lodge and start a study group who would be interested in being a part of a highly charged Cipher who seek to investigate the history, ritual, symbolism, relics, etc., of ancient and modern Freemasonry. Freemasonry is not a religious organization in which we should freely investigate how Islam and the Holy Qur'an is associated with Masonry, each degree that you attained was rooted in a Biblical scripture and the symbolic allegory is what gives meaning to the functionality of the Craft (For example signs, tokens and words).

Also, as newly raised Brother Masons, I advise that they remember the new name that they were giving during the Entered Apprentice Degree which was Caution—I advise that until one fully understands the role that the Compass and Square plays as Operative Tools and how we use them for the more noble and glorious purposes in Speculative Masonry that they should continue to wear the new name of Caution. Masonry is not a sprint, but is a travel (marathon) that will continue to evolve with age, experience and a willingness to seek external knowledge. Lastly, I believe that Freemasonry had it's origins in Kemet (Ancient Egypt) and that it was the Nubians who introduced civilization to Europe and the entire world. Please do not take my word, but do your own independent research. So Mote it Be.

Fahim A. Knight-El Chief Researcher for KEEPING IT REAL THINK TANK located in Durham, NC; our mission is to inform African Americans and all people of goodwill, of the pending dangers that lie ahead; as well as decode the symbolism and reinterpreted the hidden meanings behind those who operate as invisible forces, but covertly rules the world. We are of the belief that an enlightened world will be better prepared to throw off the shackles of ignorance and not be willing participants for the slaughter. Our MOTTO is speaking truth to power. Fahim A. Knight-EI can be reached at fahimknight@

Stay Awake Until We Meet Again,
Fahim A. Knight-El

Sunday, December 18, 2011



By Fahim A. Knight-El

The world within last ten years has become more complex because in many ways 9-11 changed the rules and established new global rules that were rooted in the New World Order agenda and it has forced humanity to make certain political, social and economic transitions. There are varied and different moves being made right beneath our eyes on the global chessboard, but the Invisible Rulers have mastered the art of deception and propaganda in order to keep us sheep in line and in control (even prior to 9/11 in which for centuries they have done a good job at this). Many of my thoughts comes from a life body of research and experience in which has led me to think outside the box and confront my own fears relative to the possibility of "What if" (many choose to dismiss the notion of "conspiracy") but my empirical findings have led me to accept that there are powerful hidden forces driving humanity which is unknown to humanity (the sheepel does not even know that they have been hoodwinked and cable-towed). The New World Order and global agenda is real and there are many major (really not many major players—12 Dynastic families that control the world) and minor players (low level operatives) who are responsible for carrying out their bidding.

England (United Kingdom) is the mother of the United States (Babylon or Baby London) and Amschel Rothschild and the boys initially set-up international banking houses in five European countries. This was the formal beginning of the web in which Dynastic Families intermarried based on wealth and blood lineage. They have always adopted the utmost secrecy and has often hid in orders such as the Jesuits, Illuminati, Freemasonry, etc., which only served as layers of protection, deception and distraction. Some believe that the Bank of England is the seat of world power and this is where the world of high finance starts and end. Some believe that the Royal Institute is more powerful and more controlling within this new global paradigm than the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

No one person or group of people have all the answers to the puzzle, but through visiting different Internet sites (global technology allows to access massive amounts of information in real time) and engaging certain research this allows us to at least consider knowledge and information that is geared towards assisting us in connecting the dots and decoding deceptive hidden agenda.

Truth has the ability to alter the balance of power by eliminating and/or isolating and uprooting past agreed truths that were formulated as false control stratagem to shield evidence that might-be pointing to the contrary. It has almost become sinister and borders on being treasonous to offer or suggest a point of view, opposite of the one being advocated by the status quo. The status quo has the masses of the global population conditioned that oftentimes they do not even have to defend their contentions. Moreover, those who are being deceived by the conspirators will often run to the defense of the conspirator and serve in opposition to anyone attempting to expose their chicanery.

I think until the American people wake up and demand better from our government, we will continue to see high levels of reactionary influences coming from government, because for a long time now our democracy has been compromised and co-opted by special interest groups and by an Invisible Elitist sector. I do not think electoral politics and voting will resolve our dilemma—the institution in of itself has no integrity to bring about or foster real change.

So every 2-4 years Americans become frustrated and we vote in or out the sitting party/candidate (still looking and praying for real change), but what is our alternative—Democrat or Republican (we often get more of the same).

The dumbing down of Americans have rendered us as puppets and we are not even astute enough to venture into the third party concept and I must be honest here third parties haven’t been able to financially compete with the well financed Republican and Democratic Party—so the motivation behind and/or in front of our democracy is money. Moreover, in which both of major political parties agendas are the same; thus, defend and protect the interest of the Power Elite while the true principles of democracy becomes absolved by those who possess the wealth and resources to shape democracy in their own image and likeness.

I am advocate of free speech and the U.S. Constitution grants each so-called American that right relative to the First Amendment. Thus, often the test to free speech centers on our willingness and ability to allow others this same right and opportunity even when we disagree with the speech. Now, this is where it gets a little gray, for a sovereign nation like the United States someone (U.S. commander-in-chief, Justice Department, Congress, U.S. Courts, etc.)based on interpreting the law relative to national security has to determine when certain actions/speech constitute a national security compromise, which under normal circumstances this same speech would be protected by U.S. law in spite of it possibly being distasteful or even controversial. It appears in this new era that standard of proof for U.S. citizens have been expanded, in particular under the watchful eyes of Homeland Security— social disharmony, security, safety and national security of the nation quite naturally would take precedence in some circumstances, in particular when certain activities boarders on treason and sedition; it then becomes a question of Free Speech versus a possible compromise of national security interest and national stability (at that point someone has to determine the right course). We have been taught to respect the laws of the United States of America; although, there is much that I disagree with when it comes to the question of fairness and equity, in particular when it relates to people of African descent.

The First Amendment right as it is written in the United States Constitution protects and guarantees freedom of speech and expression to all Americans and the right to choose religion and/or no religion, as well as the right to exercise political affiliation of one's choice—The United States is not a monolithic society (although, it has become a very diverse nation, but it is still far from being a true melting pot or totally pluralistic) and the evidence is pointing to the fact that we are hastily moving more towards becoming a Fascist nation—this is another leg and step towards the New World Order agenda—we are supposed to be living in a democracy (at least in theory) that is rooted in separation of church and state—possessing a participatory government.

We truly live in some dangerous times and even as we convey these type ideas which is within the realm of our so-called constitutional and legal rights; yet some will/could view these types of ideas as being treason and anti-government pursuant to the type of longitude and latitude that the United States Patriot Act possess relative to its legal language. But I have always known and understood that even prior to the era of Homeland Security former FBI director J. Edgar Hoover under the counter intelligence program Cointelpro accrued massive amounts of Dossiers on US citizens and foreign persons. These surveillance initiatives have been expanded since 9/11.

Thus, the opinions, we share and write for our cyberspace audience are no longer fully protected by our constitution and therefore, we have to walk a very thin line and pray that something that I, you and/or someone else says on the Internet forums do not render us as being possibly classified as Enemy Combatants and subject to the long arm of U.S. law. But most of us have taking everything into account based on where we are in space and time. For example, our “freedom”, lives, imprisonment and the monetary legal cost it would entail to defend our innocence if accused of violating U.S. law.

Perhaps, if I publically conveyed what I may deemed to be practical solutions, which is within the realm of U.S. law and I am against any revolutionary or subversive activities that would undermine the U.S. Government; I still think most will view some of those thoughts as being to idealistic. However, I still make every attempt to agitate the system and use whatever little talents that the creator has blessed me with to teach and reach as many people as I can. I do not have a big bully pulpit nor do I desire a massive stage; I am not that ego driven. We who classify ourselves as free thinkers have a job, duty and responsibility to the moral uplifting of humanity and that alone should be our goal.

Let me give it to you straight, I do not have the answers to all the political, economic and social problems plaguing humanity. Yet, my life has been committed to levels of activism and working within the legal and jurisprudence dynamics of the nation of my citizenship to alter change on small levels.

American capitalism is dead, it no longer has the ability to expand and produce as it did just 40 years (or better yet just 4 years ago) ago and reached its climax in 2008 (the evidence is the induce economic collapse and meltdown, which marked the death of a future prosperous capitalist system ). Our economy has been outsourced to India, China, Vietnam, Mexico, Thailand, etc., and capitalism relative to the American people has been bankrupted and the dreams of the middle class have been decimated. The Federal Reserve continues to print worthless paper that has no value and systematically fosters inflation in which the every day citizens have been placed in a chokehold, as well as the globe. We all know something has gone terribly wrong inside our government and it infringes upon the rights and liberties that the United States Constitution was founded upon. We owe this discussion on the Federal Reserve to our grandchildren and our great, great grandchildren. Perhaps the American people will come to realize that the Federal Reserve is the greatest criminal cartel in the world and may be if it isn't too late; we will take the correct action and abolish this money shakedown enterprise, which has destabilized the globe.

China has replaced the United States and the former USSR as the world's number one superpower. Thus, they have the largest standing military in the world (just based on sheer numbers they are a present and future force to reckon with). The United States capitalist helped to empower the so-called communist nation of China by systematically outsourcing its manufacturing and industry for cheaper labor and bigger financial and economic returns. China economy has soared and truly has cornered the western markets. Thus, on top of this, the United States is in debt to China for billions of dollars and really has no way to repay China. The U.S. Dollars although is considered to be the world's reserve monetary exchange, but to China and the world they see the United States dollar as being worthless and valueless (and refuse to allow it to be dumped into their economy). China has geared its education curriculums around math and science and this has made them one of the world's leaders in technology and technological advancement (our children are mastering Rap music while Asian nations are preparing their nation for global commerce). In addition, China has made huge financial and economic in roads into Africa relative to investments. They have been closely tied to Sudan and is one of the number importers of Sudanese Oil and is aiding the Afro-Arabic Sudan government in the Darfur conflict. China is on the move and there is no stopping Big Red now.

The U.S. as I have stated above has become a more repressive government since 9-11 and it’s very disturbing to the overall concept of democracy. People are fearful of speaking out and disagreeing with the government because of the potential of reprisals. This is their way of controlling dissention because no one desires to be labeled a "terrorist" and even some scholars and intellectuals are afraid to objectively assess and evaluate the political, economic and social trends because of the so-called sensitivity status associated with the 9-11 hoax, which has placed not only American citizens in a dangerous position, but the entire planet has been placed in a peculiar situation. Professors and scholars used to be able to legally protect themselves behind the status of academic freedom and had the intellectual flexibility to research and write about ideas in spite of their controversy and had little fear of censorship and consequences for expressing dissenting opinions. However, I can recall right after 9-11 many social scientists that had a difference of opinion relative to 9-11 were intimidated of being threaten with committing treason and they were forced to remain quite. I was taught early on that what make a healthy democracy are people having the right to dissent and disagree with the state. But for some 10 years after 9-11 people are even more fearful of rendering a critical analysis of the government because of the new repressive laws.

The United States is dangerous because, it has systematically convince the masses that they share a patriotic agenda with the government and the masses fail to realize that they are mere pawns in the game (the sad thing is they have no understanding that they have been duped). They/we are victims of propaganda and disinformation and we have become active participants in doing the bidding of those who do not share our political, economic or social interest. Why do we continue to support a reactionary foreign policy interest and simanteously in our Christian worldview and supremacy paradigm, we can justify war and the killing of innocent people in Iraq and Afghanistan and now we are gearing up to attack Iran. But The American people are fools for the boogie man syndrome; the government keeps them thinking that they have shared interest to work collaboratively to save humanity and do not realize that they are mere tools of western imperialism.

The U.S. Government openly lied to the American people and the global community about Iraq having weapons of mass destruction and they used the media to convince us that Saddam Hussein was a threat to the national security interest of the United States and most of all stability of the Middle East and the Persian Gulf. This lie and misleading agenda led to the United States unjustly attacking the innocent people of Iraq where over 4,400 U.S. servicemen have lost their lives fighting in the interest of the Invisible Elitist and over 30,000 were wounded in which they can not get adequate long term health care or the necessary services needed to improve their quality of life upon arriving back home to the United States; thus, many have come back from war suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and the United States Government do not give a damn about these veteran soldiers when they no longer has the physical and psychological ability to enforce U.S. imperialism around the world and can no longer be used as tools of our government foreign policy. But the premises of this lie and the United States going to war in 2003 was merely based on U.S. oil interest and nothing else, which ultimately led to the U.S. and the Coalition Forces invading Iraq without due cause and with impunity. Thus, after being exposed and caught Bush and the boys would later admit that Iraq and Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction. So, I do not put anything above or beneath the CIA and the U.S. Government. They are using similar propaganda against President Ahmadinejad of Iran in order to discredit him and besmirch his character because he and Iranian Government will not allow western interest to exploit Iranian oil.

The U.S. Government and the CIA has had a propensity to lie and mislead the American people and the world and there is no better example, than what took place in Iraq. They are attempting to use similar disinformation tactics and strategy against Iran and President Ahamadinejad. What have we learnt from Iraq as far as U.S. Foreign Policy relative to oil in the Middle East and the Persian Gulf? They lied and have killed millions of innocent Arab Iraqis in name of White Christian manifest destiny (Bush said the U.S. was a Christian nation in a war against the "infidels"). So I see this propaganda against Iran as a political pattern; no different than what I saw taking place in Iraq. They are working extremely hard to turn public opinion against Iran to justify a war and stealing more oil, just as they did in Iraq in 2003. Lies, lies, lies,!!!!!!!

The United States lost serious petroleum interest in Iran in 1979 after the people overthrew the Shah (via the Iranian Revolution), a U.S. puppet, who had betrayed the political, economic and social interest of the masses of Iranian people. The United States at the end of the Iranian Islamic Revolution in 1979 froze and confiscated over 25 billion dollars of the nation of Iran's money (hard core currency) and they froze other assets belonging to the people of Iran. The U.S, even to date has not relinquished this illegal confiscation. Iran has had to deal with U.S. imposed economic sanctions and embargoes, which has hindered some of their international trade efforts. Imam Khomeini nationalized the oil wealth and kicked the bloodsucking western nations out of Iran and turned the business of oil back over to the indigenous people of Persia.

The present day United States media bombardment and characterization of the Iranian Government and its president, is atypical of U.S. propaganda. They convince the ignorant American masses that President Ahmadinejad, if allowed to pursue acquiring nuclear weapons that he would be irresponsible and therefore, the United States (or overburden taxpayers would be forced to pay for another foreign war) will be pushed into another war under the pretense of disarming a so-called Muslim and Islamic fanatic while once again the real objective of stealing oil would be giving little attention in the corporate media and this motive will go undetected—I guess in the European’s mindset they should determine if black, brown, red and yellow people have the right to self-determination—Iran acquiring nuclear weapons will balance the playing field in the Middle East. I think each nation has the right to self-determination and whether, I agree with the Islamic theocracy or not, it is not the issue, but Iran as a sovereign government has the right to govern their society as they please. I respect the Islamic culture and tradition and I do not try to compare it with western democracy—it is different and unique. But the west has always has this Euro-ethnic and Judeo-Christian worldview relative to how they view the rest of the world was suppose to act and behave.

All right minded people know who is truly behind these latest reactionary propaganda ploys aimed at Iran—the United States Government is their lapdogs and do their bidding. The United States have over 4 million of its citizens incarcerated, the largest imprisonment population of a western government. This is not under Islamic Sharia law this is western democracy (we are not in a moral position to judge or direct global affairs). Thus, just take a moment and look around you. For example, the so-called Wall Street bailout robbed the America taxpayers of a standard of living—the masses of people are now destitute and have been pushed more to the 'have not' status (they are steadily losing their homes, jobs, and standard of living). We are engaged in at least two major wars (the greatest burden on the American taxpayers) and perhaps at least four (4) covert wars. These parasites now desire to further attack the poor and elderly the most vulnerable of our society by attempting to pass legislation to deny them social security benefits. I am against those capitalist who desire to continue exploit the masses (99%) while 95% of the wealth is owned and controlled by an Elitist 1% of the population. Now, that is criminal.

Fahim A. Knight-El Chief Researcher for KEEPING IT REAL THINK TANK located in Durham, NC; our mission is to inform African Americans and all people of goodwill, of the pending dangers that lie ahead; as well as decode the symbolism and reinterpreted the hidden meanings behind those who operate as invisible forces, but covertly rules the world. We are of the belief that an enlightened world will be better prepared to throw off the shackles of ignorance and not be willing participants for the slaughter. Our MOTTO is speaking truth to power. Fahim A. Knight-EI can be reached at fahimknight@

Stay Awake Until We Meet Again,
Fahim A. Knight-El

Thursday, December 1, 2011



By Fahim A. Knight-El

This writer has been thinking heavily about the recent events surrounding the assassination and murder of President Muammar Qaddafi and the destabilization of Libya and the disregard for international law that was shown by France, Italy, United Kingdom and the United States relative to Libya and what is going to be the ultimate consequences on how these type so-called international discrepancies have on nation’s sovereignty in the future and ultimately on the welfare of all humanity in general. let me digress and reflect a bit, when I was a freshmen in college, I was intrigued by the culture and history of Libya, it led me to write a letter to the Libyan Embassy inquiring about the possibility of me becoming an international exchange student where I could study Islam (or religion) and learn the Arabic language. I waited and waited during that semester for a response and I never received a response from a Libyan governmental representative in which at that time, I was oblivious and somewhat naive to the politics undergirding the two nations. But I viewed this possibility as a fascinating opportunity which to learn and study abroad in a foreign nation.

President Qaddafi, I believed in 2003, felt that he had to make some political concessions because he was witnessing a changing world after the 9/11 hoax and he best understood that the world was being made and shaped completely different than what we all knew it to be prior to 9/11 and subsequently to 9/11 the west was given unrestricted power to act at one's own discretion with unconditional authority (interpreted to mean the United Nations post 9/11 became completely obsolete and the United States has become the rule and guide of how international law would be dispensed). This position alone has rendered no safe havens and/or sanctuaries for any leader or government who opposed the west (President George W. Bush once stated ‘either you are with us or against us’), in particular those who were deemed "Rogue Nations" and the Axis of Evil" nations (and just so happen that many of these so-called outlaw nations were oil wealth nations. I do not think this was mere coincidental) would have a difficult time escaping this new form of western imperialism—it has truly become imperialism without borders and restrictions. They have duped the American people and the globe into believing that their behavior (global political agenda and military aggression) since September 11, 2001 was justifiable because they were engaged in fighting international terrorism and this would be a war where the old rules would not be applicable.

I think Qaddafi deep down inside knew as early as 2003 that he had to change political course and the only thing that could help to reshape his image was to appease the west by publically taking some responsibility for the Pan Am 103 Lockerbie, Scotland incident in which the Libyan Government was accused of masterminding this tragedy. President Qaddafi handed over perhaps two suspects who were tried in European Courts and he also agreed to pay the victims families millions of dollars in restitution. He also agreed to disband his nuclear weapons program (this decision would haunt him and led to his ultimate demise and rendered him defenseless when so-called NATO troops invaded Libya) and assured the west that Libya would no longer sponsor or support terrorism. Qaddafi trusted the devil (George Bush and Barack Obama) and they invited him back into the good grace of the United Nations and the United States ended the sanctions and embargoes against Libya that had been in place for over three decades and granted Libya full diplomatic status. The west relaxed him and he did not realize that they would never forgive him for his past behavior and although he had begin to open Libya up to the Seven Oil Sisters, but in their eyes this still was not good enough—Libyan crude for the first time in over thirty-five years was flowing freely to the western governments without any embargo restrictions.

The west was never sold on President Qaddafi's new image and unknowing to him President Obama and CIA was planning and plotting for removing him from power and establishing a puppet government in Libya, which would allow them unmolested access to Libyan oil for European exploitation and global strategic position. Qaddafi did not want Libya to experience what Iraq went through and thought it would be wise to acquiesce to creating a new image and may be this would relinquish some of the tension and antagonism that existed between Libya and west. The United States used agent provocateurs to instigate internal tension in Libya and simultaneously used propaganda to demonized Qaddafi and ultimately accused him of killing his own people and this so-called justified NATO intervention—the mission had three objectives 1). To assassinate Qaddafi. 2). Take control over the Libyan oil fields. 3). Set-up a reactionary government that would serve the interest of the west for present and future interest.

The CIA attacked Libya by using NATO forces as a front in which President Barack Obama could hide his bloody and dirty hands (he is really not making these Foreign Policy decisions and actually Bill and Hillary Clinton is running the country) and make it appear that the United States had little to do with attacking and killing a Muslim Head of State. Perhaps, many of us still do not realize that 9/11 changed all the rules of the game—international law does not have the once legal jurisprudence to render impartially in which international grievance could be sorted out in an international court of justice. Thus, in the past, nations who violated aspects of the United Nations charter had legal options granted under the rules of international law. The United Nations Security Council is controlled by the United States and even the dissenting members have sat idly by and watch the United States and Europe unjustly attack smaller and weaker nations.

It was unheard of just 25-30 years ago for the United States to openly engage in state supported assassinations against heads of states—now, I am not that foolishly to believe that the U.S. were not in engaged in all manners of international crimes during the Cold War period, but these type operations were considered highly confidential and sensitive in which the Central Intelligence Agency had unlimited powers and resources to create and fight covert wars in the name of the American people. They used massive intelligence and agent provocateurs along with dirty tricks to back ruthless dictators at the behest of western interest which led to financing reactionary governments and opposing progressive revolutionary governments. Yes, since the creation of the CIA in 1947 they have instigated international wars, murdered dissident leaders (at home and abroad) and have orchestrated setting up puppet governments throughout the world and has single handily shaped United States Foreign Policy more so than the U.S. Congress and Executive Branch of our government.

Thus, prior to 9/11 decoding American imperialism was left up to the astute and those who work to thinking outside of the box and conspiracy theorist; it was their works that informed us of some of the chessboard moves that were being made outside of the eyes and ears of the American people. The United States interest has been broad based and they have been involved on all seven continents. But prior to 9/11 the United States did not openly and publically talk about tactics and strategies which to kill heads of state, although the wise amongst us knew for decades that this was part of CIA modus operandi.

I often refer to a book, I read over twenty-five years ago by Ralph W. McGehee titled, "Deadly Deceits: My Twenty Five Years in the CIA" and it was this book that opened my eyes to how the CIA used its influence, tricks, lies, military tactics, etc., in order to achieve the political end they so desired on the international scene. For example, I personally took noticed perhaps in the late 1980s when the United States attacked Panama and sent the U.S. Marshals and DEA (local law enforcement) to apprehend and arrest one of their dogs in General Manuel Noriega. Yes, the President of Panama was an international dope trafficker who worked for President George H.W. Bush— in which they ignored international law and tried and convicted General Manuel Noriega in a Miami United States Federal Court (there is no doubt General Manuel Noriega qualified for a Military Tribunal and had no business being tried in a United States Court). Noriega's conviction set a precedents of how future so-called dissident international leaders and heads of States would be dealt with—Mohammed Aidid, Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden, Anwar al-Awlaki, Muammar Qaddafi, etc., (no international process would be granted relative to rendering international justice).

Yet, white supremacy ideology treated the former Yugoslavia President Slobodan Milosevic with international dignity, although he carried out some of the most heinous war crimes of the 20th Century, but he was afforded a trial in the Hague, Netherland in accordance to the Geneva Convention, but none of these Arab and Muslim leaders were afforded the international courts—they were killed and assassinated—Saddam Hussein was sentenced death in a kangaroo court by U.S. henchmen posing as Iraqi judicial officials. It also did not matter that Noriega was the president over a sovereign government and should have at least been extradited to a neutral country and allowed his case to be heard in accordance to the legal standards set under international law. How could General Noriega receive an impartial hearing in the United States Courts when his accuser was President George H.W. Bush who was a co-conspirator in the Panama drug trade (as well as being involved in all of Central and South America drug cartels) and should have been put on trial himself for international drug trafficking and giving a life term prison sentence.

This event was pre-9/11 and pre-U.S. Patriot Act, but the political and legal perimeters gave life to the anti-terrorism concept and agenda, which extended the long arm of U.S. law and introduced a set of rules that would be rooted in the New World Order and render all victims inescapable (these laws were design to cast a wide net). They induced 9/11 as a highly desensitizing ploy designed to immune the American people and the globe to embracing all manners of United States imperialism without question and public outcry (the masses now accept and believe that the Government has the right to commit all types of national and international crimes in the name of so-called fighting terrorism). They have created this free pass under the guise of fighting international terrorism and the dumbfound masses are applauding (while even their civil liberties have been compromised in this new era of so-called crime fighting) and is under the illusion that the United States has taking a moral position to make the world more safer for global peace (they fail to see that these are well orchestrated chessboard moves to ensure continued dominance and control over the world's resources).

This objective supersedes all other objectives and it is the engine that drives wars, manipulates the global economy, creates disparity and misery and empowers the Super Elite to the detriment of the poor and oppressed. The United States Government under President George H.W. Bush also in Desert Storm and Desert Shield turned on another one of its traitors and dogs in Saddam Hussein after using him for over eight years (1980-1988) as a puppet to fight Imam Ayatollah Khomeini and the Iranian people with the objective of overturning the 1979 Iranian Revolution and strategically attempted to regain control of the Iranian oil fields for the benefit of U.S. exploitation (this war objective was defeated and Iraq and Hussein was led to retreat).

However, Saddam Hussein was rewarded for his loyalty; he was given more sophisticated armament, military technology, and license to kill other Muslims (Shia Muslims) and the CIA knew along time ago that he was using chemical warfare against the Kurds, but it did not matter until the U.S. Government needed an excuse to demonize Hussein, thus there was no other propaganda more suitable than conveying to the world that he was unmercifully slaughtering and killing his own people. They use the mass mediums both electronic and print which to mold and shape public opinion in their interest and likeness. Hussein became an outcast and vilified when he started scheming on the oil revenues and when he invaded Kuwait (exercising his military might), he had forgotten that he worked at the pleasure of the CIA and the United States Government and he did not have the authority to disrupt any of the existing oil arrangements established by the west in the Middle East Region (these were house rules that governed all the oil commodity players and any violation would have severe consequences).

The United States and the west after using Saddam Hussein since the early 1980s and by 1990 the relationship had run its course with the culmination of Operation Desert Storm. The United States in 2003 attacked Iraq under the false pretense that Saddam Hussein possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction (they already knew what was in his arsenal because they sold him billions of dollars of weapons made in the USA), but in reality the CIA, Pentagon, and the U.S. State Department had bankrolled and financed Hussein for decades because he served as a buffer between the theocratic and fundamentalist Iranian Government (whom the west had lost their influence due the toppling of another one of their dogs in Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi) and Khomeini nationalization of the oil wealth of Iran to the detriment of the interest of the Seven Oil Sisters and western governments in which it was this variable fueling this dispute. This war was not about land encroachment or Shia versus Sunni, it was about who would control the oil flow and wealth of the Persian Gulf (Iran), it became simple oil lesson 101, they desired control over the oil in Kuwait and control the Rumaila oil fields in Iraq.

These moves gave the United States and the west huge oil interest in the Persian Gulf because for decades now they already have had the reactionary Saud Family of Saudi Arabia (the world’s largest oil reserve and supplier) in their back pocket and these Wahhabi Sunni traitors who are the gatekeepers of the Kaaba (the holiest house in all of Islam) in Mecca are pawns of the worst kind and has betrayed all Muslims based on their whorish relationship with the United States and the west. Saudi oil should be renamed United States oil that is who controls and manipulate the supply and demand, quotas, and determines international market pricing. Saudi Arabia is the 52 nd state of the United States and is a protectorate similar to the old colonial style relations that existed between Great Britain and its colonies. I personally can not follow any Muslim or Islamic leadership coming out of the east (especially out of Mecca and Medina) and as a Free Thinker I detest these Arabs and their religious hypocrisy (they are not Muslims but are members of the Synagogue of Satan). So lets be clear I do not follow any of their Qur'anic guidance because the entire Islamic faith has been co-opted by western forces and to be truthful with my readers I left religion along time ago. So I am not bind or obligated to any faith tradition—I am student of truth who is in constant search for enlightenment—the Torah, Gospel (new biblical testament) and the Qur’an based on man’s interpretation has led to the spiritual demise of humanity.

This writer has stated above that a precedent has already been set and the last man standing is President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran and his defiance is not settling well with the United States and Israel—like other above mentioned leaders he is being accused of being to ambitious relative to his nuclear weapons program. The United Kingdom in a recent action imposed economic sanctions against Iran and for no apparent reason the United Kingdom froze some of Iran's assets and Iranian students protested by storming the British Embassy in Tehran—the European Union and European Common Market will inevitable fall in which the Euro has been devalued by the Bank of England and the Central Banks of various European nations serve at the pleasure of the Rothschilds who are behind this latest crisis with Iran and the economic meltdown in Europe is all their concoction—front organizations such as the Royal Institute of International Affairs along with the Rothchilds are also directing public opinion relative to Iran.

The Middle East Media Research Institute: Stated, “On September 12, President Ahmadinejad ordered the U.S. dollar to be replaced with the euro in the country's foreign exchange accounts. Iran has also called on other OPEC members to avoid the falling dollar in favor of the more credible euro. Oil is Iran's major source of foreign currency, but oil is pegged to the U.S. dollar, as are the currencies of the major oil-producing countries in the Gulf. These countries, particularly Saudi Arabia, have persistently declined to unpeg their currencies from the dollar [Kuwait did partially unpeg] and, hence, oil will continue to be priced in dollars. Since the dollar and the euro are broadly available convertible currencies, there is nothing preventing Iran from converting its dollars into euros whenever it chooses to do so”.

“One suspects, however, that Ahmadinejad's edict has to do more with fear than with economic wisdom. Iran is rightly afraid that new and more stringent sanctions due to its nuclear policies could lead to the freezing of its dollar assets in U.S. banks or even in major European banks who conduct major businesses in the U.S. This move, therefore, will help decouple Iran from the U.S. banking system. It will be recalled that in the mid-1990s Iraqi president Saddam Hussein decreed that Iraqi oil should be paid for in euros to "punish" the United States. Iran did not say whether the new policy was designed to do the same thing”.

The United Kingdom just like the United States has to engage in wars in order sustain a dying economy and Iran and President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is the last man standing and he like Qaddafi and Hussein has stood up against European imperialism and has advocated Iranian self-determination—this alone has made him a dangerous man in the eyes of the west. Perhaps what has gotten Iran and Ahmadinejad in this latest trouble is his talk about shifting his monetary system toward the Petrodollar, which will empower his oil wealth nation outside of the total control of the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England. This aspiration alone is a declaration of war and the Rothchilds will not sit idly by and allow this to occur. Here is my prediction they are going to attack Iran and Syria and many more U.S. soldiers will lose their lives in order to make the Invisible Rulers and the Dynastic Families more wealth—their dying will be in vain.

Fahim A. Knight-El Chief Researcher for KEEPING IT REAL THINK TANK located in Durham, NC; our mission is to inform African Americans and all people of goodwill, of the pending dangers that lie ahead; as well as decode the symbolism and reinterpreted the hidden meanings behind those who operate as invisible forces, but covertly rules the world. We are of the belief that an enlightened world will be better prepared to throw off the shackles of ignorance and not be willing participants for the slaughter. Our MOTTO is speaking truth to power. Fahim A. Knight-EI can be reached at fahimknight@

Stay Awake Until We Meet Again,
Fahim A. Knight-El