Tuesday, February 7, 2017



By Fahim A. Knight-El

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President Donald Trump has put himself up against history in which he wants to approach the world from a new geopolitical mindset and desires to attempt to alter and change the international and global rules in which some of his global agenda is not well thought out, but he has patriots in his administration and in place to fill in the gaps for him. Some may view my thoughts on Donald Trump and his New World Order agenda and One World Government agenda as being mere idealistic and lack true pragmatism and I totally understand their unwillingness to consider an alternative perspective, but their apprehension will not prohibited the inevitable of what is going to take place in the world under Donald Trump. Perhaps Trump has not taking into account and doesn't realize that the United States is a declining world power and is steadily being replaced by China who has made serious inroads into solidifying its dominance in Asia and the Asian Pacific realm and has created a global economic prowess throughout the world. And their present day influence is unmatched by western governments including the United States of America (this truly represent a new era politically in world history). When the United States dollar forty years ago begin to lose its international economic credibility as the world's reserve currency, it was a clear indication that America as a nation was transitioning into a global downward spiral politically, economically and socially and China based on default and presenting itself as a new world global authority had taking that position and the United States is still in denial of this fact.  The U.S. use to be the number one creditor nation in the world now, it stands as one of the number one debtor nations of the world.

They will get even weaker in next 10-20 years or less when North Korea; Kim Yong-Un is getting very close to acquiring intercontinental ballistics missiles capabilities and Iran is working undercover to acquire full nuclear capability in the very near future; this will bring a new international military paradigm and will dictate a neo-geopolitical relationship with South Korea in which North Korea will attempt to redraw the sovereign boarder lines and force a one united Korea (even if this means going to war) in which China will be an external instigator who will be backing North Korea in this unification of the two Koreas. The protectorate status that United States has historically offered South Korea would have to be reevaluated in lieu of North Korea acquiring the intercontinental ballistics missiles in which they could strike the United States from Asia, because of this potential predicted new political and military arrangement (or acquired military technology on North Korea part) it could prove be explosive, which could be the impetus for World War III.

North Korea has been really aggressive in their launching missile testing program and has been in defiance of international law and because of its relationship with China; this relationship has allowed them to be able to circumvent the United States embargoes and sanctions. They are in bed with one of the most powerful trade partners in the world, which is China and they don't feel the economic affect when it comes to goods and services being disrupted.  The United States Government has systematically duped the American people and the entire globe in general, about the effectiveness of sanctions and embargoes. Some political critics who have alternative media sources are warning us of the global geopolitical implications and predictions that have been put on the chessboard, which is nothing short of alarming; but we have been so dummied down by the Talking Heads and social media and by their disinformation propaganda and we do not have a clue of the pending danger that lie ahead that faces all of humanity. Now, in the grand scheme of things in which, I will cover in the Blog’s content below, it isn't totally about the narrow scope of black and white in these globalization schemes, it is more about the evolvement of political unilateral thinking, that is more rooted in world domination; this is how the neo-alliances are being structured and orchestrated, which involves totally attempting to control the world's resources and impacting the thinking of humanity.

It is to early to make a definitive determination of what the United States international and foreign policy future will be, however, this much, we do know President Donald Trump lack of international diplomatic and foreign policy experience is going prove to be a liability in his decision making ability to steer the United States on a course that would be less antagonistic. He is confronted with how to contain Asian nationalism with China dominating influence in the Pacific realm this world power isn't going anywhere and will continue to expand its influence politically, economically and socially beyond its boarders. China knows that they possess no equals in their dominance over the global economic markets, which continues to allow them to transition into being the defacto world leader in obtaining raw materials from around the world, which no nation can compete economically with them in the modern context of turning those raw materials into manufactured tradable commodities and expanding markets. Although, China had entered into a high-tech production and manufacturing economy, which on the surface, it appears to be a page out of when the United States led the world during the industrial revolution. Where factories and raw materials were the economic model and we witnessed products being made inside the USA and when the U.S. economy was booming. But Alvin and Heidi Tofflers explain this best in their book titled, Creating A New Civilization: The Politics of the Third Wave. Trump is systematically lying to the American people about where the world is right now and denying the economic trends and stages that led to the dismantling of American industrialism and contributed to the fall of America. Trump want the American people to believe that manufacturing is coming back to America let me be the bearer of bad news, it is not going to happen. Trump in his deception and rhetoric is attempting to lead the United States down a dark international path.

Trump and the United States have covertly declared war against China, the first step was him pulling out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) international economic trade agreements. The United States is forcing these new world and global alliance, in which Russia, China and the United States are all rushing to set the template for the future outlook relative to globalization. These nations will redraw the lines of international waters and maritime jurisprudence this will automatically impact weaker and stronger nation's sovereignty. How we understood the geopolitical interest of nations yesterday will no longer be relevant in the new global arrangements. Some of the United States international motivations will be rooted in their concept of attempting to extend and expanded white nationalism. Donald Trump and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson refused to politically distance themselves from Russian President Vladimir Putin, it is because they have a master plan of unifying the world of Eurasia and United States; those former ethnic nations that declared their sovereignty after the Cold War will be once again come under the threat of Russian military aggression and dictates.

Trump has a fixation on destroying Islam not just militant radical Islam, but all Islam (a war he cannot win). He is strategically seeking to wipe Islam off the world’s map. No Islamic nation will be deemed safe from this type of mindset and tyranny; today it is Iran, Yemen, Syria, Sudan, Somalia, Libya and Iraq on the so-called Homeland Security terrorist list (the Center for Strategic Studies) and the Talking Heads and the political scientist, they are not going to convey the true agenda to the American people that these new alignments are rooted in the principles of global white nationalism. Putin of Russia has the Islamic problem in Central Asia and the former Russian protectorates in which President Richard Nixon warned the European world that Islam would pose the greatest threat to their world domination as they moved into the 21st Century.

Trump found a white allay in Putin who shares his political sentiments about extinguishing the potential rise of Islam and its continued spread in Europe and Asia. This alignment is valuable to Trump's globalization, One World Government and New World Order agenda in which the implications could be another war, if radical militant Islam is not halted. They will strategically pick Iran as a pasty, the war of words between the United States and Iran has been warming up even before Trump became U.S. commander-in-chief. Trump said he has served notice on Iran. Iran response to the threat was that they were a sovereign nation and did not need the permission from the U.S. to make political, economic and social decisions. Trump condemned the covert Iran deal that was initiated by the Obama administration as being a 'bad deal' in which Iran so-called agreed to cut back on its nuclear weapons program aspirations; many believed that this agreement in particular was also tied to monetary ransom money of 400 million dollars paid to Iran as good faith money to get American hostages released. Yet the United States had frozen and seized Iranian money and assets since 1979, when Imam Ayatollah Khomeini initiated the Iranian Revolution. This money has been frozen for over thirty-seven years.

I think Trump is going to rescind part of this Iran deal in order to provoke Iran, but this is going to get interesting because Iran has purchased weapons from Russia, North Korea and China. Trump will find out that being the leader of the so-called free world and running the world is not reality television or his Apprentice show, it is a lot more comprehensive and complex, but the decisions he makes will globally impact the United States present and future course, I truly do not think he understands the magnitude and power he possesses that will impact the entire world. This is not a game. Now, North Korea under the Supreme Ruler Kim Jong-Un will continue to flex his will and military might in defiance of the United States and international law, by continuing to test his missiles program. China will keep this loose cannon in their back pocket, because his 20th century Communist style ruler-ship and dictatorship serves in the long term interest of China who is clandestinely fueling Kim Jong-Un in his rhetoric by taking a quasi laissez-faire approach and simultaneously putting billions of Chinese dollars behind North Korea, thus, making a joke out of United States sanctions and embargoes and trust me China is not concerned about North Korea's human rights record.

This invisible phenomenon (consisting of North Korea) creates an international balance of power without China themselves appearing as an international bully. The United States has become overly consumed with the so-called potential threat of Kim Jong-Un and it is this that is partially driving the United States in what appears to be an unorthodox relationship and partnership between Russia and the United States. Trump understands that in the new strategic international interest he is going to need Russia to halt China's aspirations towards expansion in the China South Sea and beyond, in particular the Philippines and Taiwan and other territories in the South China Sea. Theses disputes have been ongoing and will only become acerbated with these new international alignments that will potentially have to be executed with a weaker United Nations and rules of international law will be less binding. This has the potential to create an international powder keg for the west and the east.

It is not by coincidence that Trump has appointed and nominated all these ultra white nationalist mindsets to his administration. This is a new frontier in the recent modern international context, but taking right out of the playbook of the old white nationalism decree to once again impose race dominance into the international political equation (yesterday it was the Aryan race, the Anglo-Saxon race and today it's a hybrid etho-racial breaded in the United States that are seeking world racial supremacy). They seek to have no opposition to their and Trump’s agenda and these ultra white nationalist and white supremacy, they are not motivated by what is politically correct. Trump has multiply agendas, he unlike most white world leaders he see the handwriting on the wall and he is getting in front of the trouble waters and sees Russia as its great partner.

But Trump is no match for the likes of Vladmir Putin; Putin’s corruption is gangster style he has no loyally to anyone and will cross you in a heart beat; unknowing to Trump, Putin and the Russian government has been selling weapons and military technology to North Korea for decades and even under Kim Yong-Un, he is one of their number one international armament customers. These political dynamics are a triangle of deceptions between China, North Korea and Russia, which North Korea is being deemed America’s so-called number one enemy, but America’s new ally Russia is still supplying all types of military support to North Korea as I write this article in which China also is fully aware of this. What is the common denominator?  These are old communist ideological alliances that still possess international value when it is necessary and politically expedient. Putin and Russia is also selling Iran and North Korea weapons and military technology before the United States imposed sanctions and embargoes, and after U.S. impose sanctions.

He will use the skillset of Rex Tillerson as a Seven Oil Sisters operative and agent (Tillerson is on multi payrolls: Russian, the CIA, Israeli lobby and AIPAC and the Rockefellers) and his ultimate agenda will be to instigate more conflicts in the Persian Gulf by using the CIA playbook to infuse propaganda and disinformation against Iran and sell this bullshit to the American people that Iran poses a national security threat, because they continue to desire to become a nuclear powered nation. If they could take back India and Pakistan nuclear capability they would because they believe people of color are irresponsible and to put nuclear weapons in the hands of a so-called radical and militant Islamic government like Iran will be troublesome to the western world, they see it as a threat to the white world and if Iran acquires nuclear weapons this will upset the white world domination and upstage the balance of power in the Middle East.

Russia has always played by its own international rules and they will not block Tillerson and Trump’s plans (they all are on the same team) to attack and invade Iran because there is oil on the table for Lukoil and Rosneft Russian state oil company and untold personal wealth for Trump, Putin, Tillerson and Exxonmobile in which the international alliances means nothing in lieu of the expansion of global white nationalism. Trump’s concept of patriotism is not tied to the United States sovereignty and him and Putin have declared allegiances to breakdown these artificial barriers, sovereignty and boarders will take on an entire new definition relative to international jurisprudence and they are military prepared to squash any national and international rebellions. Russian troops have been deeply rooted in America’s secret security forces (some of them former KGB agents) and was brought to United States by the ex-CIA director and President George H.W. Bush and the program was continued under Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama. They have been secretly part of the United States Central Command and will replace the National Guards and FEMA when domestic disturbance arises inside the U.S. in particular when martial law is declared, it will be contained by Russian forces operating covertly in America (they were systematically chosen because of their ruthlessness and their non-allegiance to Americans citizenry.

No, entity will be allowed to impede their quest for the total completion of the One World Government agenda and the accumulation of wealth, these new global geopolitical strategies will make Iran expendable in the opening out of the United States-Eurasia expansionism and power dynamics. In this new power paradigm schemes, it is about moving the entire world into a new direction; thus, the prior NATO alliances in Western Europe will be forced to surrender some aspects of their previous concepts of what sovereignty meant to their so-called democracies. Trump and his administration do not desire to continue the type of international diplomacy that was still linked to an era in American history known as the Cold War. This time has passed and the international political arrangements have become obsolete and have outlived its purpose and usefulness in Trump’s worldview.
They will invoke fear into the psyche of the American people and potentially line the United States up again for another war just like in Afghanistan in 2001 and in Iraq in 2003, and we know that these were induced wars, which was rooted in international grand theft of Afghanistan poppy plant (or Heroin distribution in which the USSR fought a nine year war against the Mujahedeen over the Central Asian heroin trade and the Russians lost a bitter war) and taking over the second largest oil reserves in the world. George W. Bush and the Bush crime family, they wanted a part of this lucrative heroin trade and with the permission of Russia they agreed that the United States would use its military to fight in the rugged mountainous Afghan terrain to acquire a monopoly over the heroin dope trade coming out of Central Asia.

Russia after a nine year war didn't want anymore part of going back to Afghanistan. They also wanted more control over the Central Asia oil pipeline that involved running oil from the Black and Caspian Seas to Siberia. Now, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is a crook exemplar he will use his official capacity to start wars and simultaneously will be running so much international dope and oil from the around the world and funnel it to Exxonmobile and which to involve in the global theft of natural resources in Africa. They have all the puppet African leaders in their hip-pockets in which our continent will become once again a prime target to be further raped and exploited under this new international direction being put forth by Trump. Africa's colonial masters will come back to this wealthy continent with a vengeance. Tillerson is ruthlessness he didn't become an oil tycoon of ExxonMobil because of business niceties; he understands that business is a declaration of war.

Fahim A. Knight-El Chief Researcher for KEEPING IT REAL THINK TANK located in Durham, NC; our mission is to inform African Americans and all people of goodwill, of the pending dangers that lie ahead; as well as decode the symbolism and reinterpreted the hidden meanings behind those who operate as invisible forces, but covertly rules the world. We are of the belief that an enlightened world will be better prepared to throw off the shackles of ignorance and not be willing participants for the slaughter. Our MOTTO is speaking truth to power. Fahim A. Knight-El can be reached at fahimknight@yahoo.