By Fahim A. Knight-El
I like most Americans was touched by
the shootings and murder of 20 young children and 7 adults in Newtown, Connecticut
that took place on December 14, 2012, this type of violence seems to be unconscionable
and it becomes even more painful knowing that these little small children could
not defend themselves and we asked the question, what type of person would commit
this type of horrid and horrendous atrocity against the vulnerable and
innocent? (We are still searching for answers a week later). I have a school
age daughter and I as a parent cannot imagine receiving the type of news that
the parents received in Newtown this past Friday—this was truly a heartbreaking
incident for all of us who consider themselves human and no amount of words are
adequate enough to grant comfort and relief to the parents who lost children
and loved ones in this act of senseless violence. It has forever altered
people's personal lives and it has shattered the belief and notion that schools
and school districts have the ability to protect and secure our children. Also,
the Newtown community
will never be the same again—so knowing this I weep along with the nation.
I tell my daughter every day how much
I love her and I do not need the media or some talking head shrink to remind me
of the importance of telling my daughter how much I love her. I blame the Newtown tragedy partially
on the reactionary objective of the military industrial complex, induced debt
scenarios and organized economic enslavement models, the psychological state of
our nation has dwindled to an all time low. I wanted to layout a different
perspective of a society that is being systematically programmed (through
technology and education) and, as tragic as the shooting in Newtown , Connecticut
was; perhaps the blame is much deeper than the propaganda machines and talking
heads are willing to admit. They will use these type incidents to promote gun
control (yet the root of the problems will never be truly assessed). I will
continue to support our second Amendment right to the U.S. Constitution—the right
to bear arms and we do not need government to impose anymore laws and
restrictions on the American people. Yet, I do agree that certain type of
weapons should not be readily available to everyone and perhaps we need to
modify our laws relative to assault weapons. But many of us are not willing to
surrender our guns to the government and I am a card carrying member of the
National Rifle Association (NRA) and I am a staunch believer of stand your
ground and self-defense. Thus, disarming the people, but readily arming the
State is a scary and troublesome notion for me because I do not trust the
government; the more weapons the government has the more repressive they will
become in particular, if the people cannot defend themselves this will move our
nation even closer to being a total police state. Nevertheless, with the formulation of the
National Defense Authorization Act, Homeland Security, U.S. Patriot Act,
Military Commission Act, etc., we are already a police state (although many of
us do not know it).
They also, will continue to promote a
culture of fear by promoting disinformation and propaganda about so-called
Islamic terrorism and radical Islam (creating False Flags) justifying illegal
assaults (foreign and domestic) and at the same time eroding our civil liberties. I think that the
people in the United States
are becoming increasingly disillusioned and desperate (we have been totally
stripped down and the sad phenomenon is that we have volunteered to be willing
participants in our present status) and this has led our nation to becoming a
social tender box ready to explode on itself. This type incident, that took place in Newtown will inevitably
increase in the coming days. They have outsourced the United States economy to
Asia and Mexico (people's right to earn a living has been compromised because
of greed); the Federal Reserve has devalued our currency and monetary system
and Ben Bernanke is steadily leading us into purchasing more debt while the
U.S. dollar does not have the value to sustain the level of credit that is
covertly being shoved down the mouths of the dumbfound.
But the talking heads have already
diverted and shifted the conversation towards mental health and people will as
usual dismiss these types of crimes as isolated incidents being carried out by
mentally ill individuals of our society. For example, high unemployment, less opportunities,
inflation, burden by un-repayable debt, massive amounts of homes foreclosures,
escalating taxes, etc., these variables will be overlooked in this debate, because it exposes the real culprit who desires to hide as though they have no
idea why people are committing these acts of violence—they are the social
engineers of the violence. Yes, I believe the above stated social issues can
lead to stress and a breakdown in mental health and equally cannot be
overlooked (America
has decided to treat the symptoms and not the disease). The government often
uses distractions to shield its manipulation and cover up its fail obligation to the
people; our government should and must shoulder some of blame with what took in
Newtown , Connecticut .
The U.S. government under Bill Clinton
started the public policy trend of cutting funding to mental health hospitals
and treatment centers. They saw this as a way to save the federal government
money, but the result of such public policy has increasingly raised its head
with people committing random acts of violence because the mentally ill has
been let loose throughout America and many are walking time bombs ready to explode.
Bush and Clinton policies has led to millions of mental health patience being
forced to the streets (mental health facilities were forced to close their
doors) and others entered the criminal justice system; living on the streets
without receiving proper medications and mental health therapy. I am not a clinician
or mental health professional, but certain things are just basic common sense and it does not take a rocket scientist to figure this thing out. Many of them
should be in long term inpatient facilities and not walking the streets of America . And
the real debate get lost, which is people have become more disillusioned and apathetic
about their social, economic and political predicament—this should be the real
conversation. The U.S. Government has robbed us as a nation of our-self-worth
and the right to a legitimate national pride .
This past year the city of Chicago has
stayed in the news with tens of people daily and weekly have been murdered on
the streets of Chicago (it has now become the homicide capitol of the United
States); often these homicides consist of blacks and Hispanics in which some of
them have been school aged children who were gunned down on the mean streets of
Chicago. Many attributed this wave of crime as being gang or drug related,
whatever it is, it really doesn't matter because it still constitutes the lost
of human life to acts of violence (over 30 thousand people lose their life in the United States to gun violence every year). We live in a culture where violence is
sensationalized and glorified that is being played out on the big screen and
war games are simulated in video games and our children have become immune and sterile
to violence, the culture has produced robots and we are lacking the capacity to
love and express human feelings. This
syndrome creates personal and societal detachment—they have engulfed themselves
in a fantasy world of killing and using high powered combat and military
weapons, as well as high powered explosives duplicating strategy and tactic
used by the military to hunt down so-called terrorist in the video games our
children are playing. We have given them the technology of play station,
I-phones, I-Pods, Smartphones, etc., allowing our children the technological
ability to download movies and have access to violence twenty-four hours per
day and not counting what they get on the social media sites (this is the power
of the Internet). The lyrics in music have violence and this perhaps is the
greatest programmer designed to shape and mold the thinking of our young people.
Violence has always been glorified in
western culture and the psychological and sociological ramifications of such,
is the negative affect of what we saw that took place in Newtown this past week. The killer must of
had ice water running through his veins (or he was a coward of the worst kind)
to gun down such young children six and seven years of age using a high powered
assault rifle and/or have our culture rendered us to be so emotional detached
that we cannot differentiate that something is humanly and morally wrong with
slaughtering and killing of children. The president of the United States is
from Chicago (he served in the U.S. Senate from the district of Illinois),
however, he has yet to go back to his home church of Trinity United Church of
Christ where he was spiritually nurtured by Dr. Reverend Jeremiah Wright, the
Black Liberation Theologian and give his condolences to these black mothers and
fathers who have lost love ones to crime and violence (the president’s former
Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel and present mayor of Chicago has failed dismissal
as the mayor over this gangster city). And sadly there has not been a national
outcry or national mourning for the victims and their families, it was an easy
decision for President Obama to go to Newtown
because it was politically expedient. These inner city victims of gun violence
are poor where race, class and privilege (there lack of) have not garnished the
type of national attention that Newtown
has received this past week.
Yet, I am more angered by our
government who stand as the biggest hypocrites in this debate relative to gun
control and violence. Our government under the Military Industrial Complex has
unjustly murdered innocent children in Iraq
and Afghanistan .
We have been killing indiscriminately (may be black, brown, red and yellow
children losing their lives are not considered as valued and sacred as white
loss of life). Aren’t they children too? But very few in the West have shed tears
for the innocent and defenseless in these two foreign countries that have
suffered massive unprovoked attacks from the United States and the West. U.S.
Foreign policy leads to millions of children suffering with little to nothing
to eat because the International Monetary Fund and World Bank manipulates
wealth relative to which nations receives so-called assistance and which
nations do not receive; this equation often has nothing to do with morality or
the question of humanity, it is rooted in philosophical and theoretical concept
of rugged capitalism—shear greed and the global suffering index is factored and
calculated by the markets on Wall Street. They set the supply and demand tables and
often these foreign loans are directly backed by a nation's natural resources
as collateral. It is about making money at all cost and it does not matter how
many children die because of the unjust wealth equation. Why doesn’t President
Obama shed tears for his father’s homeland of Kenya where his paternal lineage is
President Obama is not permitted to
show any love and sympathy for his own people unless it’s approved by the
Rothschilds. How many official trips has this so-called black president made to
Africa as a goodwill ambassador, if nothing else it would serve as a good
symbolic gesture that one of our native sons have come home as the most
powerful president in the world to pay homage to his history and culture; just
imagine a Jewish president not visiting the State of Israel this is
unimaginable (in fact imagine any sitting U.S. President not visiting Israel). However, he sees us as an inconsequential
people who are loyal to the Democratic Party and he does not have to act
responsible to the 'Black Agenda' because we are the only people that vote
party and not issue. It is political suicide for blacks to be represented as
registered Democrats at a 93% clip (this allows the Democratic Party to take
our vote for granted). They constantly show us pictures and read stories about
the stark poverty in Africa , but they do not
tell us the true story of why children are lacking food, adequate health care (suffering
and dying from curable diseases), poor education, and the millions that die
each year from starvation. Africa could be the
breadbasket of the world, but poverty is being systematically induced by
international bankers who are more interested in commodities and stealing other
nation’s natural resources based on greed and exploitation.
I weep when I see children in Africa,
Asia, Central and South America with swollen bellies and some lying Christian
charity comes on the Idiot box (code name for television) and asking the public
to make monetary donations in order that they could feed hungry children for
less than a dollar per day in U.S. currency (it comes under the guise of humanitarian
aid and philanthropy, but often it is theft by deception). These missionaries
are often part of the problem stealing in the name of Jesus Christ and doing it
under guise of religious propaganda. The donated money never makes it way to
the suffering people, but it finds it way into corporate Christian ministries
in the United States, Great Britain, Canada, etc., while the masses of the
people in these Developing Nations continues to suffer under oppression and
poverty (servicing the poor is a lucrative big business). I weep for the
children who are victims of this type of politics and who will go to bed hungry
every night and many will die because they have been reduced to expendable
President "Slick Willie"
Bill Clinton and President George W. Bush was suppose to oversee the
charity/fund that was earmarked for the nation of Haiti (the poorest nation in
the Western Hemisphere) and the people of Haiti after the devastating 7.0 earthquake, which rocked and destroyed this impoverished island nation in 2010. Men,
women and children lost their lives and after the BBC, CNN and the world media
outlets left Haiti and cameras were cut off, the attention of the devastation waned
(Haiti once again dropped off the radar and went back to its insignificance
status). Haiti
still has not received the billions of dollars in private and foreign aid that
was donated to assist the people affected in the Earthquake tragedy. Clinton
and Bush diverted most of that money into their own private financial coffers;
Wycliffe John, the Haitian-American singer and entertainer who ran for
president of Haiti
did not realize that he was no match for the type of criminals and crooks that
Clinton and Bush were. There was nothing in place to hold them accountable when
it came to dispersing more than needed aid to Haiti but the premium on black life
is lowered and Haitian children will continue to die because of U.S. Foreign
Policy. Thus, immediately after the cameras went black and the international
stage was moved children went back to dying from malnutrition and lack of
medical attention and for the most part no one cared. Yes, I weep for the
children and not just for the children that were murdered in Newtown , but those who will never receive the
of media coverage who are dying and murdered under the systemic practices of
racism and greed. Most of that relief and disaster money still has not arrived
to the people of Haiti
as I write this article.
The only solution is that there must
be an equal redistribution of the world's wealth with the world’s people, it is
criminal that 95 % of the world's wealth is in the hands of a measly 1% of the
population and it is this variable that is driving people crazy. President
Barack Obama gave a news conference shortly after the Newtown massacre and he seemed emotionally
touched by the lost of life for those young innocent American children who lost
their lives. But I have never seen him shed a tear for the innocent Palestinian
children who were killed in Gaza by Zionist forces and/or lament over the victims
of U.S. servicemen who have been unjustly murdered because of U.S. imperialism
and neocolonialism; that is not to mention those Muslim women and children—victims
who were raped by U.S. Servicemen, moreover committing all manners of sexual
assaults, which grossly violates the laws of Islam (aren’t they human to?). But
no one has shed a tear so my prayers go out to these victims and families and I
pray for healing, as well as I pray that God change the energy of the universe. My
thoughts right now are beyond the Mayan calendar
and the predications associated with the 12-21-12 date, (the beginning of the winter
solstice) and their predicament (his 6,000 year rule was due to come to end
according to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s teachings and I believe we are at
that time). The Mayan calendar does not predate the Kemitic (Egyptian) system
of time as far as recording astronomical and future predictions, the ancient
people of Kemet were the first time setters. I put my trust in the originators of
time and the calendar.
Fahim A. Knight, Chief Researcher for keeping it Real Think Tank
located in Durham , NC ; our
mission is to inform African Americans and all people of goodwill, of the
pending dangers that lie ahead; as well as decode the symbolism and
reinterpreted the hidden meanings behind those who operate as invisible forces,
but covertly rules the world. We are of the belief that an enlightened world
will be better prepared to throw off the shackles of ignorance and not be
willing participants for the slaughter. Our MOTTO is speaking truth to power.
Fahim A. Knight-EI can be reached at fahimknight@ yahoo.com.
Stay Awake Until We Meet
Fahim A. Knight-El