Monday, December 21, 2015



By Fahim A. Knight-El

Image result for images of osiris and ancient egypt
This brief article is on the origin of Christmas and its so-called correlation to the SUN GOD concept, which the western parables of Jesus originated; moreover, December 25 is the BIRTH OF THE SUN GOD and in reality, this fabrication and/or truth has nothing to do with the Historical and Prophetic man called Jesus (there were actually two Jesus, perhaps another subject for another time) and this propaganda is continually being perpetuated in the name of tradition. But the beneficiaries of the Christmas tradition have always been the merchant class in the United States of America and around the world, which accumulates over 75% of their annual gross sales and financial profits during the month of December.

Allauddin Shabazz in his book titled, Symbolism, Holidays, Myths and Signs, the word “Christmas” means “Mass of Christ,” or as it came to be shortened, ‘Christ—mas.’ It came to non—Christians and Protestant from the Roman Catholic Church. And where did they get it?---NOT from the New Testament---NOT from the Bible—NOT from the original apostles who were personally instructed by Christ—but it gravitated in the fourth century into the Roman Church from paganism”

Tradition reaps in huge monetary gains and that HIDDEN HAND who does not believe in Christmas or Jesus---THEIR GOD IS MONEY and WE SHOULD CALL THEIR HOLY ONE “PROFIT” AND GREED. This writer, wonders does the SUN—DAY School teachers admonishes that the worship of the SUN was replaced with the divinity and worship of the SON popular associated with the man named Jesus (or Yeshuaa Ben Yosef). This article should not be viewed as an attack on the faith--tradition of Christianity, but like the Reggae revolutionary artist Bob Marley’s used to sing “NONE CAN FREE OUR MINDS, BUT OURSELVES.”

Allauddin Shabazz book validates this contention relative to the commercialization and the nonreligious connection Christmas has with the birth of Jesus; in his small, but powerful book titled, Symbolism, Holidays, Myths and Signs he goes on to state, “Christmas has become a commercial season. It’s sponsored, kept alive, by the heaviest retail advertisement campaigns of the year. You see a masqueraded “Santa Claus” in many stores. Ads keep the masses deluded and deceived about the ‘beautiful Christmas spirit.’ The newspaper, who sells ads, print flowery editorials exalting and eulogizing the pagan season, and spirit. Gullible people have become so inoculated, many take offense when told the truth. But the ‘Christmas spirit’ is created each year, not to honor Christ, but to sell merchandise!” (reference: Symbolism, Holidays, Myths and Signs” by Allauddin Shabazz).

This writer understands and humbly admits and accepts that a 4,000 word Blog only places serious limitations on a subject of this magnitude where scholars such as: Gerald Massey, Albert Churchward, E.A. Wallis Budge, Josef Ben Jochannan, Alvin Boyd Kuhn, Godfrey Higgins, John G. Jackson, Kersey Graves, Cheikh Anta Diop, Manly P. Hall, John Henrik Clarke, Jacob Boehme, Arthur Edward Waite, G.R.S. Mead, Louis H. Spencer, H.G. Wells, H.P. Blavatsky, Ishakamusa Barashango, J.Van Rijckenborgh, Albert Pike, George Oliver, J.S.M. Ward, etc., have spent many years researching and writing scholarly treatise on the above subject.

This thumbnail sketch, is by no means, written to represent a definitive and exhaustive study on the this subject; there are to many links, which expands to the schools of thought of esoteric, religious, philosophical, occult, metaphysical science and the truth extends to many cultures, and far beyond the limitations of this research could ever begin to address. But it should not be viewed that the author perhaps does not understand the depth and complexity of this subject pertaining to Jesus, a god of the Sun and the origin of Christmas.

E. Curtis Alexander in an essay titled, African Foundations of Christendom he stated, “Christendom began as a Council of Bishops in Nicea, a city in Bithynia, in Asia Minor on the southside of the Black Sea. The Council was convened by the Roman Emperor Constantine. Many events took place at this Council and the formation of many theological and theosophical doctrines were established such as the Trinity, the name of JESUS, THE Virgin Birth and perhaps the biggest act was making of the Bible. The books that were not canonical at this Council are known to us today as “Lost Books of the Bible’ and the ‘Forgotten Books of Eden’ ” (Reference: “African Foundations of Christendom” by E. Curtis Alexander).

In a book compiled by William Josiah Sutton titled, The Illuminati 666 stated, “There is no scriptural evidence that supports the Birth of Christ as being December 25th; but history says December 25th was kept thousands of years before the Birth of Christ, in honor of the pagan Messiah. Another name for Tammuz, the pagan-child, was ‘Baal-bereth’ which means Lord of the Fir Tree.” (Reference: “The Illuminati 666” by William Josiah Sutton).

The majority of the scholarship on this subject totally contradicts the Christian version of the biblical man known as Jesus Christ, but reaffirms this story within the scheme of historical and mythological allegory, metaphors, symbolism, prototypes, similes, etc. There is a sizable amount of precedent evidence, which informs us, that the entire story of Jesus relative to his birth, death, resurrection, and ascension were not concepts indigenous to European cultures (although, it flourished in that region of the world after they came in contact with Ancient Egypt (Kemet).They borrowed the Solar God concept from Egypt. (Reference: “Ancient Egypt: The Light of the World” by Gerald Massey).

John G. Jackson in his enlighten book titled, Ethiopia and the Origin of Civilization stated, “A study of the images of ancient deities of both the Old and New Worlds reveals their Ethiopic origin. Thus is noted by Kenneth R. H. Mackenzie in T.A. Buckley’s CITIES OF THE ANCIENT WORLD, p. 180:--‘From the wooly texture of the hair, I am inclined to assign to the Buddha of India, the Fuhi of China, the Sommonacom of the Siamese, Xaha of the Japanese, the Quetzalcoatl of the Mexicans, the same, and indeed an African, or rather Nubian, origin.’

Jackson continues on to state, “most of the black gods were regarded as crucified saviors who died to save mankind by being nailed to a cross, or tied to a tree with arms outstretched as if on a cross, or slain violently in some other manner. Of these Crucified SAVIORS, THE MOST PROMINENT WERE OSIRIS, AND HORUS OF EGYPT, KRISHNA OF INDIA, MITHRA OF PERSIA, QUETZALCOATL OF MEXICO, ADDONIS OF BABYLONIA AND ATTIS OF PHRYGIA. NEARLY ALL OF THESE SLAIN SAVIOR-GODS HAVE THE FOLLOWING STORIES RELATED ABOUT THEM:---THEY ARE BORN OF A VIRGIN, ON OR NEAR DEC.25TH (CHRISTMAS); THEIR BIRTH ARE HERALDED BY A STAR; THEY ARE BORN EITHER IN A CAVE OR STABLE; THEY ARE SLAIN, COMMONLY BY CRUCIFIXION; THEY DESCEND INTO HELL, AND RISE FROM THE DEAD AT THE BEGINNING OF SPRING (EASTER) AND FINALLY ASCEND INTO HEAVEN.” (Reference: “Ethiopia and the Origin of Civilization” by John G. Jackson).

There is overwhelming historical evidence that the worship of the SUN GOD (which was celebrated by many names and in many forms depending upon the culture and nation) Jesus was a story of antiquity, that had played out on the stage of human civilizations, perhaps some thousands of years before the actual birth of the man called Jesus who lived 2,000 years ago and before Constantine concocted and devised the Christian Creed (reference: Reza Aslan Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth, which was designed to control how Christianity would be disseminated, as well as, theologically protect the half-truths, distortions, and outright lies. They lied about the historical details of the man called Jesus, the Christ. (Reference: “The Historical Origin of Christianity” by Walter Williams).

Wikipedia online research engine stated, “December 25 was also considered to be the date of the Winter Solstice, which the Romans called bruma. It was therefore the day the Sun proved itself to be "unconquered" despite the shortening of daylight hours. (When Julius Caesar introduced the Julian Calendar in 45 BC, December 25 was approximately the date of the solstice. In modern times, the solstice falls on December 21 or 22.) The Sol Invictus festival has a "strong claim on the responsibility" for the date of Christmas, according to the Catholic Encyclopedia. Several early Christian writers connected the rebirth of the sun to the birth of Jesus (sun/Son). "O, how wonderfully acted Providence that on that day on which that Sun was born . . . Christ should be born,"

Anthony Browder in his book titled, Nile Valley Contributions to Civilization he stated, “Auras, Aset, and Heru is the first story recorded in history of man of a holy royal family (the Trinity), immaculate conception, virgin birth and resurrection. Evidence of this Trinity is known to have exist.” (Reference: “Nile Valley Contributions to Civilization” by Anthony Browder).

H.P. Blavatsky in her monumental book titled, Isis Unveiled through meticulous research traces the original man’s history and culture back to Egypt (Kemet) which all philosophy, science, theology, and in essences human thought evolved. she stated, “What Egypt taught to others she certainly did not acquire by the international exchange of ideas and discoveries with her Semitic neighbors, NOR FROM THEM DID SHE RECEIVE HER STIMULUS. ‘The more we learn of the Egyptians,’ observes the writer of a recent article, ‘The Marvelous they seem!’ From whom could she have learned her wondrous arts, the secrets of which died with her? She sent no agents throughout the world to learn what others knew; but to her the wise men of neighboring nations resorted for knowledge. Proudly secluding herself within her enchanted domain, the fair queen of the desert created wonders as if by the sway of a magic staff. ‘Nothing” remarks the same writer, whom we shall elsewhere quote, ‘proves that civilization and knowledge rise and progress with her in the case of other peoples, but everything seems to be referable, in the same perfection, to the earliest dates. That no nation knew as much as herself, is a fact demonstrated by history.”

There is no doubt, that the story of Jesus was steeped in duality and shrouded in the mysteries, but the WICKLY WISE, the ten (10) percent who the Honorable Elijah Muhammad referred to as, “The rich, the slavemakers of the poor, who teach poor lies to believe that the almighty true and living God, is a spook and cannot be seen with the physical eye. Otherwise known as the bloodsuckers of the poor.”

Muhammad further maintained that December 25 was the birthday of Nimrod who was mentioned in the Bible (Old Testament) he is styled as a mighty hunter who is in opposition to God and he turned against the teachings of Moses (the law giver). Nimrod was born 300 years before Christ. Thus, he manipulated the teachings of Moses and set-up the early pagan empires such as Greece and Rome. According to the Bible he is the son of Cush. Nimrod killed his father and married his mother, whose name was Ester, and the Easter celebration is also tied to advent of Nimrod and the entire SUN GOD scheme. (Reference: The True History of Elijah Muhammad” Edited by Nasir Makr Hakim)

Moreover, when Nimrod’s wife (his mother) had their first child, he feared that people would lose respect for him, if they knew he was making babies through his own mother (it was a secret that they were married) therefore to fool the people Nimrod told people that the Holy Ghost had impregnated his mother. This was beginning of the GREAT LIE told about the birth of Jesus.” there is a lot in Muhammad’s lesson and was Christmas set-up by non-Christians who do not believe in Jesus Divinity, but has a stronger conviction to manipulate money and play on the theological ignorance of the people. (Reference: “The History of Nimrod” by Elijah Muhammad).

Manly P. Halls stated, “For reasons which they doubtless considered sufficient, those who chronicled the life and acts of Jesus found it advisable to metamorphose him into a solar deity. The HISTORICAL JESUS WAS FOR GOTTEN; nearly all the salient incidents recorded in the four Gospels have their correlations in the movement, phases, or functions of the heavenly bodies. Among other allegories borrowed by Christianity from pagan antiquity is the story of the beautiful, blue-eyed Sun God, with His golden hair falling upon his shoulders, robed from head to foot in spotless white and carrying in His arms the Lamb of God, symbolic of the vernal equinox. This handsome youth is a composite of Apollo, Osiris, Orpheus, Mithras, and Baccus, for HE has certain characteristics in common with each of these pagan deities.” Manly P. Hall whom this writer considers one of the foremost free thinkers in the history of mankind and he uncovers and interprets symbolism, signs and delved into ancient wisdom unlike any other this writer had read (Reference: “The Secret Teachings of All Ages” by Manly P. Hall).

We have been taught and perhaps more indoctrinated into believing that December 25, represented the birth of Jesus Christ of Nazareth who lived perhaps 2,000 years ago in around modern day Palestine. There is some evidence that points to Jesus birth place being in the ancient city of Bethlehem, but most Biblical historians have argued that Jesus was born in Nazareth. but there was a plot and a conspiracy orchestrated by King Herod to kill the first born male; reference: Hugh J. Schonfield; The Passover Plot, thus Mary’s pregnancy and Jesus birth became a top priority and secret, this cloaking and concealment was only necessary to protect Jesus from his conspirators. (Reference: The Jesus Scroll” by Donovan Joyce).

This next quote is from a book titled, The Lost Books of the Bible to Jesus Christ, His Apostles and Their Companions originally published in 1820 by William Hone. Most Christians do not know their were some lost books to the original Bible or perhaps this writer should say that a number of books were deliberate and intentionally removed from the Bible as an act of deception. Nevertheless, Hone stated, “Now Herod, perceived that the wise men did delay and not return to him, called together the priests and wise men and said, Tell me in what place the Christ should be born? And when they replied, in Bethlehem, a city of Judea, he began to contrive in his own mind the death of the Lord Jesus Christ. But an Angel appeared to Joseph in his sleep, and said, Arise take the child and his mother and go into Egypt as soon as the cock crows. So he arose, and went.” (Reference: “The Lost Books of the Bible to Jesus Christ” by William Hone).

December 25 had nothing to do with Jesus Birthday in fact his name was probably more like Yeshua Ben Yosef or Isa Bin Yusuf (Jesus the Son of Joseph) in accordance to the Amharic and/or Hebrew languages that were spoken in that region of the world, long before the English language was even a thought. Jesus was atypical of pagan tradition that evolved around the son god concept and there were many more world saviors who had similar histories of Jesus and many of the things we ascribed to Jesus were actually borrowed from more ancient cultures and civilizations. The birth, death, resurrection and ascension fables seemed to have been concocted by money changers and merchants which as stated above, many of them do not believe in Jesus divinity, but the commercialization and the exploitation of his name is their only motive. (Reference: “The World’s Sixteen Crucified Saviors” by Kersey Graves).

How then did December 25, become associated with the birth of Jesus Christ? John King in his monumental work titled, The Celtics Druids: Seasonal Cycles of the Ancient Celts stated, “In fact, Christ birth-date was deliberately and artificially set, during the third century AD, to coincide with, absorb and supersede the pagan festival dedicated to Saturn. It is not even certain that Christ was born in the winter: many legends speak of his being born in the spring. The controversy caused by the switch from the old Julian calendar to the Gregorian persists in the popular folk story that Christ was actually born on 6 January, and that at midnight on the eve of that day animals kneel in homage to the Christ child in mangers and stables. Many of the original customs of the Saturnalia have survived into the Christmas celebrations with remarkable persistence. The theme of the advent and the Virgin Births is, of course, not Celtic or Roman, although there are virgin births in other religions and mythologies.” (Reference: “The Celtics Druids: Seasonal Cycles of the Ancient Celts” by John King).

King’s research points to the fact, that the entire Christmas tradition, perhaps has it roots in pagan tradition (interpreted to mean Christmas is a non-Christian ritual), which ancient people had developed sophisticated customs and rituals that pre-dated the birth of Jesus. The Ancients charted the universe son, moon and stars, thus, developing agricultural rites that paid homage to the power of life and death as it was seen in nature (the Freemasons, Rosicrucian, Elks, Illuminati, Sun Gods of Kemet and quite naturally the Sun Gods of Ancient Greece, Rome, etc., the practitioners of these various crafts understood these principles better than so-called Christians), as well as others have relied in an interdependent manner on the winter and summer solstice for ritual justification and theological explanation. Nature dies (winter months) and it resurrects itself every year (spring time) and all of the above Societies, as well as Christianity developed elaborate customs and theological rites giving to some aspect of death and resurrection that was observed in the natural creation. (Reference: “Secret Societies: Inside The World’s Most Notorious Organizations” by John Lawrence Reynolds).

Moreover, as the earth rotates on her axis the Ancients became infatuated with the mystique of the winter and summer solstice. The word Sol is a Latin word meaning Sun and word Stice mean to stand still and in scientific terms the winter solstice and the summer solstice are one of the ecliptic at which its distance from the celestial equator is greatest and which is reached by the Sun each year around June 22nd and December 22nd. In our hemisphere (North America) December 22, starts winter, in which days get shorter and nights get longer and it was believed by the Ancients that the Sun died during this time, but the manipulators of truth switched and presented us with the story of Jesus, the “Son God” and then concocted a story that is very much inconsistent with the Holy Bible about the events surrounding Jesus birth. (Reference: Recapturing the African Mind” by Bruce Bridges).

For example, in the book titled, The Book the Church Doesn’t Want You to Read, edited by Tim C. Leedom. Leedom maintains that, “It is also noteworthy that during the month of December, Bethlehem and its surroundings are subject to wintry cold weather, chilling rains, and sometime snow. One does not find shepherds with their flocks outside at night during that time. This is not a recent weather phenomenon… all of this indicates that weather conditions in Bethlehem in December do not fit the Bible’s description of the events connected with the birth of Jesus Christ---Luke 2:8-11.” (Reference: “The Book the Church Doesn’t Want You to Read” by Tim C. Leedom).

Kersey Graves in his book titled, The World’s Sixteen Crucified Saviors, wrote about the historical fact that there were at least Sixteen Saviors that resembled the story attributed to Jesus Christ. He maintained that all of these world Saviors were born of virgin birth (immaculate conception), wise men predicted their birth, the heavens roared, born on December 25, died, resurrected and ascended to heaven. These various Saviors born on December 25th could be found in Kemet (Egypt), India, Persia, China, Mexico, Greece, Rome, Germany and all of them represented aspects of the Sun Gods who were deified long before the man, we came know as Jesus ever walked upon this earth. It was at the Council of Nicaea (modern day Turkey) on May 20, 325 AD that Constantine and his Biblical scholars conveniently and systematically set-up Christianity (meaning the establish creed and doctrine) and in most instance it went contrary and was outright inconsistent with the original teachings of Jesus.

The two authors Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas in their book titled, The Hiram Key: Pharaohs, Freemasons and the Discovery of the Secrets Scrolls of Jesus , describes some of the challenges that the non-Christian Constantine the Great and the Council of
Nicaea faced, “The result of the Council was the ‘Nicene Creed’, which sought to reconcile the differences between various Christian factions and to avoid doctrinal gulfs that had looked as though they might split the Eastern Church away completely. The rulings that emerged still provide the basis for most Church establishments today, covering many points of detail such as when congregations should stand and when they should sit during services. The central issue, however, was the problem of whether Jesus Christ was a man or a god, and if he were indeed a god, what was the precise nature of his divinity.” (Reference: “The Hiram Key: Pharaohs, Freemasons and the Discovery of the Secrets Scrolls of Jesus” by Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas).

Also, the entire system of Freemasonry is built on the on the Solar Deity hypothesis; thus, one can point to the allegorical story of Hiram Abiff (this story has no Biblical foundation) and he too was a prototype of the SUN GOD conjecture. Hiram Abiff was considered a Master Builder of King Solomon’s Temple and served as a symbolic  duality in Operative Masonry (Guild Masonry—Trade Skills) and Speculative (philosophical) Freemasonry and He is equivalent to Jesus in fact and fiction. Shabazz once again in his book Symbols, Holidays, Myths and Signs stated, “In Masonry the sun has many symbols. One expression of the solar energy is Solomon, whose name Sol-om-on is the name for the supreme light in three different languages. Hiram, the Chiram (Hiram) of the Chalders, is also a color deity, and the story of his attack and murder by three Ruffians.”

The circumstances of Hiram Abiff’s death transcend earthly reality and moves into immortality (eternal life and the realm of infinity). Hiram Abiff was murdered at high noon by three Jewish Ruffians that conspired to steal his LIGHT (knowledge and wisdom). Death is viewed as temporary, no different than the changing of the seasons and Jesus life is styled as the zenith of the concept of immorality (Christians believe that Christ has ascended to heaven and is sitting on the right hand of the Father, but will return). Hiram Abiff’s fate is only temporary just as all the other SOLAR DEITIES, which life and death are charted by the sun, moon and stars. Hiram Abiff like Jesus suffered a cruel death and was resurrected (He was raised from a dead level) from the grave in which he eventually stood Ninety degrees upright as a LIVING PERPENDICULAR ON THE SQUARE.

The Worshipful Master stationed is in the East (there is where the Sun Rises) and HE is considered the light of the Masonic Lodge and as the physical sun gives light which to set the earth into rotation, the Worshipful Master is styled as Wisdom and the Craft should radiate from his illumination and enlighten coming out of the EAST. The sun as it crosses the meridian sets in the WEST and this is the station of the Senior Warden and HE is styled Strength and in the SOUTH stationed Junior Warden, he is styled as Beauty. (Reference: “Who is Hiram Abiff?” by JSM Ward)

John G. Jackson in his book titled, Man, God, and Civilization he stated, “Interesting relics of ancient sun worship may be observed in the ceremonies, symbols and ritual of modern Freemasonry. According to Masonic Tradition, the word of Freemason can be traced back to ancient Egypt. It was derived from two Egyptian words, ‘phee” (the sun) and ‘mas’ (a child), meaning children of the sun or sons of light; and from this combination we derived the word freemason. A Mason is advised to travel to the East in search of light, for the sun rises in the East. The Masonic initiation rites like those of the ancient mysteries of Egypt, are drama based on the astronomical allegory of the death and resurrection of the sun, and the doctrines of the unity of god and the immortality of man; and these tenets are learned from Dr. Oliver’s Dictionary of Symbolic Masonry , that a lodge has their lights situated in the East, the South and the West respectively.”

Jackson continues, “They are so placed in allusion to the sun rises in the East, cross the meridian by way of the south and sets in the West. There is no light in the North part of the lodge, since the sun directs no rays from that area. Every Masonic Lodge Should be oriented due East and sets in the West because the sun, the glory of the Lord, rises in the East and sets in the West and in the lodge, the Master stands in the East, the Junior Warden in the South and the Senior Warden in the West, which positions are representative of sunrise, noon, and sunset, respectively.” (Reference: “Man, God, and Civilization” by John G. Jackson).

Perhaps the most colorful of all the SUN GODS was Osiris of ancient Kemet and in reality, this writer could have started this topic off with Osiris ended with Osiris, because of all the SUN GODS, it was from his legend that all other legends sprung. The Christianity Trinity perhaps originated in ancient Egypt long before Jesus the Christ. Osiris, Isis and Heru—is the father, son, and the holy ghost. These ancients’ tales were derived from agriculture and fertility festival rites. Osiris had a jealous brother names Seth (Satan) who conspired against him in a vicious plot to take his life just as the Cain and Able story of your Christian Bible.

Seth succeeded in murdering his righteous and innocent brother moreover, cutting his body—up in 14 pieces and depressed the pieces in the river to be ever lost. But Osiris had a zealous sister named Nephthys who desired to search the river in order to find Osiris to reconstruct his body. She found Osiris’ body, some historians say that she found his body in pieces scattered throughout the vast river with the exception of his penis. Osiris’ sex organ was forever lost. The Egyptian started constructing the obelisk symbols as duplication of Osiris lost penis. Osiris being associated in the larger scheme of the sun. However, there are many different slants to the Osiris myth.

Fahim A. Knight Chief Researcher for KEEPING IT REAL THINK TANK located in Durham, NC; our mission is to inform African Americans and all people of good will of the pending dangers that lie ahead; as well as decode the symbolisms and reinterpret the hidden meanings behind those who operate as invisible forces, but covertly rules the world. We are of the belief that an enlighten world will be better prepared to throw off the shackles of ignorance and not be willing participants for the slaughter. Our MOTTO is speaking truth to power. Fahim A. Knight can be reached at,

Thursday, December 3, 2015



By Fahim A. Knight-El

Let me weigh-in on this debate that has been ensuing between black people’s opposition to these one hundred (100) Negro pastors that met and had a dialogue with presidential candidate Donald Trump in which they have been catching plenty of heat from the so-called African American community and I must say, it is understandable. However, I personally do not think there was anything fundamentally wrong for black leaders to sit down with any of the candidates who are running for the 2016 Oval office (White House) and have a discussion. Thus, in doing so was an act of self-determination and as free citizens, we should have the right to meet with whom we please. But here is issue that I had with these Negro preachers; they met with this man with no real agenda and just to sit in Donald Trump's “Big House” (Five Star Trump Tower) to have some fried chicken and watermelon was ludicrous and ultimately, it represented a very poor political strategy and tactic on behalf of these Negro preachers, which garnished no real political leverage or political benefit (it was essentially a two and half hour meeting of coming away with no concessions and amounted to little or no substance).

I see Hillary Clinton, as being a lot more dangerous and sinister than Donald Trump, but sense she is a Democratic candidate, she gets a free pass from so-called African Americans. But one does not become U.S. Secretary of State unless you know how to play the deceptive foreign policy game—trust me she knows a lot more about the Benghazi hit than she is letting on. When she became U.S. Secretary of State, she used her international influence to assist her husband former President Bill Clinton by positioning him and exerting her State Department international influence to economically empower Bill Clinton’s Global Initiative foundation (so-called non-profit humanitarian organization). Bill Clinton’s Global Initiative is a very powerful foundation and it was established to lobby nations that sought his international influence (Bill ‘Slick Willie’ was in the business of selling influence and is very good at it). Moreover, Bill Clinton has raked in millions of dollars advising Developing Nations by securing them high interest international loans via the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank and further using his international influence to impact the political, economic and social systems of client nations. Also the Clinton-Bush Fund allegedly got 54 million dollars for the Haiti Relief Fund after the 2010 devastating earthquake that registered 7.0 magnitude on the Richter scale, which killed more than 230,000 people in Haiti. Bush and Clinton were two rogues who stole a lot money that was earmarked for the Haiti Government.
(reference: Peter Schweizwer: Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich).

The Jews represent just three (3) percent of the United States population, but they remain the most powerful religion/race in America and they dictate the collective political future of the Jewish people (here is the difference between them and us, they are organized). All United States politicians have an unspoken and unwritten mandate to sit down with the Jewish leadership, which is carried out by an organization called the American Israel Public Affairs Committee or AIPAC who works in the interest of the Jewish electorate. The first question that is always posed to a potential candidate is, what is your position on the State of Israel and will your foreign policy initiatives unconditionally back Israel? And you must privately and publically adopt and embrace the Jewish Agenda, what I am saying is not rooted in anti-Semitism—they exercise common sense in order to lobby for the best political deal for the Jewish people—this is common sense. These 100 Negro preachers had no real agenda other than being glad to be summons by this powerful white man. I would have said thank you Mr. Trump for the invitation to come to your lavish hotel in New York, but here is the BLACK AGENDA and if you can meet our political demands; perhaps after this discussion is over, we will take your response back to our voting constituents in which we might consider you as a possible viable candidate—but lets be smart as a voting bloc, it is not about being just loyal to the Democratic Party, but we must learn to vote issues and not parties (reference: John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt; The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy).

I am not attacking these Negro preachers for exercising their right to meet with Donald Trump, they had every right to do so and I saw nothing wrong with them having met with Mr. Donald Trump, but someone styled it as an endorsement meeting and this is where it got a little fuzzy with me. Trump has said some racist and denigrating things towards black people and Latinos and for the black clergy to endorse him, would have been hypocritical at best and inconsistent with the moral and ethical teachings of the Gospel. But this is why there was such confusion and political uncertainty being spewed by black social critics and pundits (and the black community) who had placed the meeting with Trump and the possible political intent of the meeting under a microscope and used the media to expose and scrutinize those black pastors invitees who sat down with Donald Trump. Trump in term, was smart enough to use the meeting as a black Christian leadership endorsement ploy who had gathered in support of his political agenda and for Trump this strategy would serve up two agendas, it would simultaneously create good black public relations and show forth his so-called influence amongst the religious community in general (of course this meeting with the black clergy would not have satisfied the evangelical right). However, once the media exposed the Negro pastors in attendance, Trump’s plan has somewhat exploded in his face.

A true Black agenda, would having included a cross section of opinions and planks from various sectors of the Black leadership spectrum, but 100 Negro preachers, I do not think so—many of them lacked the political, economic and social understanding of devising a collective Black Agenda. They do not have to reinvent the wheel, the Jews have provided us with a perfect model of how this has been done inside of American politely for centuries. Now, I do applaud these Negroes for thinking outside the box and not being dog-tied to the Democratic Party and for possessing a willingness to sit down with a Republican candidate and have a discussion (for me that is a sign of intelligence). There is nothing wrong with that strategy. But go in the room with a clear and agreed agenda and I do not care how many pork chops, fatback sandwiches, pig ears and hog knuckles that Trump brought out. Just say Sir thank you for this poison, but we will not compromise the Black Agenda. These Negro preachers know that they were not qualified to sit down with a Devil like Donald Trump.

The problem this writer is having with this upcoming election is how quickly we develop political amnesia; from 1865 the majority of African Americans were affiliated with the Republican Party, the party of Abraham Lincoln, the so-called great emancipator. African American from 1932 beginning with the election of Franklin D. Roosevelt to the present day 2015 have overwhelmingly voted for white democratic candidates on the national, state, and local levels. This writer has ascertained that ninety-two (92) percent of African Americans are registered democrats. This writer personally thinks this political predicament and strategy to be insane, this writer doesn’t know, if you can call it a strategy—this is more of a faulty political strategy; in particular in a two party system. It is political suicide because, it allows the Democratic party to take the black vote for granted—they understand the political numbers as being just an eight (8) percent differential and this does not create the type of pendulum swing needed to generate enough external political leverage which to keep the Democratic Party honest.                          
Politicians only respect an electorate that can impose political consequences, but those above numerical variables based on registered party affiliations do not pose an equitable number balance, which could alter or derail a candidate potential to being elected; hypothetically if forty (40) percent of blacks were registered Republicans and the other sixty (60) percent were Democrats this would automatically create a political leverage. They then could definitely command more political respect from this two party system, in particular from the Democratic Party who for seventy-five (83) years has taking the black vote for granted and would definitely build unimaginable credibility with the Republican Party. If African Americans are going to effectively play American style politics, this will require and mandate for them to devise a new political strategy and tactic that moves beyond being a majority one bloc political party, which has had its benefits at times and simultaneously, can be politically detrimental.

The majority of traditional black leadership has had many legitimate political reasons to sway black voters away from the Democratic Party based on neglect and their inadequate ability from time too time in addressing issues relevant to blacks, in particular and the nation in general. The black religious right from that perspective has demonstrated more outwardly courage by their willingness to cut ties with the Democratic Party. Politics is not based on loyalty, yet loyalty has its place in politics, but expediency is ordinarily the glue that holds political coalitions together and by refusing to acknowledge this reality has entrapped blacks politically, which has render them politically inconsequential and politically ineffective. Although, blacks represent one of the largest “organized” voting blocs in America and still have very little power to alter change. Something is wrong with this political dynamic.

Black Americans just do not understand the power they have in bloc voting and political leveraging, as well as, the importance of voting issues and not a candidate’s party affiliation. This writer has been trying to break this ineffective traditional cycle amongst blacks for over two decades. But parting ways with tradition is not always easy; it is a mindset that is inculcated in a set of perceived values that are not viewed from the lens of right and wrong, but social, political, economic components found compatible to a worldview.

However, the Republican Party do not know how to play political shrinks and administer mental health treatment and for over eighty (80) years have for the most part ignored the black electorate and hadn’t made any real appeals to tap into this traditional Democratic base, which in 2015 feel abandoned and ostracized by the Democratic party. This writer is by know means advocating the Republican conservative agenda nor is he suggesting that African Americans leave the Democratic Party, but what he is suggesting, is destroying the boogieman syndrome that has been associated with the Republican Party relative to African Americans, which allows the Democratic Party to continue to be in the best position election after election for receiving the African American vote. Yet at the same time the Democratic Party do not have to make any political concessions to 13% of the American population because of foolish and irresponsible leadership that possess an insane love for the Democratic Party.
Many blacks do not know why they are democrats, they often inherited the donkey as family political tradition or they heard some ignorant preachers, mis-educated teachers, and self-fulfilling politicians advised them that it was sinister to cast a ballot for a Republican candidate without ever hearing whether or not they agreed or disagreed with the message.

Many do not know that from 1865 to 1932 blacks overwhelmingly were republicans but in 1929, blamed the Republicans and Hubert Hoover’s administration for the Great Depression and the economic decline of America. Blacks left the Republican Party in wholesale numbers and this historical coincidence has worked to their long-term political detriment. Nevertheless, in the deep recess of their minds, black Americans seem to think that they have a moral obligation to unconditionally support and vote the democratic ticket. It seem logical to me that since 1932, there should be enough historical evidence, which documents political betrayal and broken promises made by the Democratic Party to black Americans. In essence, we love the devil, because he gives us nothing. Why don’t the so-called black leadership come to understand and advocate the power of voting the issues and leverage the black vote as an uncommitted and non-partisan bloc whose main interest is negotiating the best political deal for black Americans regardless of candidates’ party affiliations?

1). We need to know exactly and specifically where Donald Trump stands on one of the most important modern issues of the 21st century, which is Black Lives Matter and the effects police brutality is having on Black men inside of America, in particular (not to preclude our sisters as well). If elected president, what public policy would he choose in dealing with institutionalized racism and the systemic backlashes, it has on our community? These are terrorist in blue uniforms and they are not Middle Eastern or Arab (and are not militant radical Muslims). A terrorist is in the eyes of the beholder; those that killed Freddie Grey, Travyone Martin, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, LaQuan McDonald and worst yet the killing of a 12 year old in Cleveland, Ohio named Tamir Rice, Walter L. Scott, etc. What does Donald Trump has to say about these type issues?

2).Black unemployment rate, is twice that of white America, what plans does Trump has to equalize and balance the employment playing field and solve this dilemma in America and create jobs that will directly impact us as a demographic?

3). Black servicemen and women who are disproportionally and negatively effected when pursing benefits via the Veterans Administration. Black soldiers have always returned to America as second class citizens and their loyalty, bravery and patriotism were met with American style racism—the American flag and the Confederate flag for blacks have been one in the same—both have historically denied blacks freedom, justice and equality thus my people have caught pure hell under both flags (my loyalty and patriotism is to God and not the United States of America). Although, many of these black Veterans were injured in combat deployments, but is met with a harsh reality when they attempt to access benefits services through the VA. They are often turned down or get loss in the bureaucratic paperwork game (does Trump understand that in a racist society there are a different set of standards when blacks attempt to access services?) Does Donald Trump further understand and realize that many African American Veterans are walking around America untreated with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and cannot get the proper help and mental health treatment needed after serving in the United States Arm Forces—this is how the government treat them afterwards.

Where does Trump stand on funding black and Latinos poor depilated schools and underprivileged school districts that are failing our children educationally, which continues to render them a poor education (which leads our children back into a cycle of poverty) under a certified curriculum called Common Core in which blacks still possess the highest drop out rate in our nation as a whole—nations such as China, Japan and India are preparing their children with a superior education in line with the age of information (global objective).
This generation is growing up as part of the global information age and based on technology, have tremendous access to information, the global superhighway or the infobahn in which the Internet has altered the political, economic and social paradigm by changing the geopolitical landscape of the globe and we now have the opportunity to access information in real time.

This age of technology has allowed us to compete on levels that was unimaginable twenty-years ago and this benefit has further allowed us to enter and participate in a new age called the digital age; this is a very exciting time to be on the planet and there is no turning back. The United States now stands as 29th in math and 35th in science amongst the world’s nations as an industrialized nation relative to education in the two said major disciplines. Where does Trump stand in raising the educational bar and standards in order that our children will be prepared to interact in a global economy and society? Most of these Negro preachers do not have a clue to the global implications that education and curriculum will have on the future success and/or future failure of black people. They were just window dressing and showboating and happy to be at 725 Fifth Avenue between East 56th Street and East 57th Street (Trump Tower) in Midtown Manhattan, New York City.   

4). Where does Mr. Donald Trump stand on the issues of mass incarceration where the United Stated Department of Justices estimates that 63% of the federal and state prisons are African American males. Thus, how will Trump address the issue of the Prison Industrial Complex that disproportionally affects black males? The U.S. has over 7 million people incarcerated the largest prison population of any industrialized nation. You who are students of facts you can read about this in a book titled, "The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness" by Michelle Alexander.


5). Where does Mr. Trump stand on the Affordable Care Act (Obama Care) that has allowed poor people to at least obtain medical care and coverage in which African Americans and other poor people are the beneficiaries of this public policy or will he join on with other conservative Republicans and work to repeal the Affordable Care Act?                


6). What is Mr. Donald Trump’s position on providing more foreign aid and economic assistance to Africa (and does he favor international debt forgiveness to these poor and Developing Nations who have been victims of Western Government exploitation) in which poor black African nations are having to deal with hunger, diseases, famine, war, economic instability and mortality rates that are off the chart (but does he understand that these crisis are being induced by the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank). I think it should be unlawful and a crime for a small minority of 5% an Elitist Cabal (bloodsuckers of the poor) that controls 95% of the world’s wealth, which throughout history has continued to create the world’s wealth disparity that plagues the globe.
This unjust social phenomenon has led to global poverty amongst so-called Third World and Developing nations in which poor people are forced to survive off minuscule resources and poverty as I have stated above, has led to high mortality rates, diseases, curable illnesses, poor education, etc. Many of these Developing nations possess vast natural resources, but their wealth is being exploited by Western Developed nations, which also, includes China and Russia and other world superpowers. I would like to see the world’s wealth equally distributed amongst the masses of the people. This is the only way we can bring balance to the political, economic and social dilemma facing humanity. But no one gives a damn about black suffering, but as soon as a so-called terrorist incident takes places in Europe, Negroes and white folk cry crocodile tears—I cry when I see poor destitute African children with pop bellies and are dying from starvation and sickness. I wonder does this white billionaire Trump feel the pain of my people.

7). What is Mr. Donald Trump’s position on the closing of Historical Black Colleges and Universities and the poor financial situation they are in and what public policy will he implement and support in assisting our gems HBCUs. Will Trump entertain student loan debt forgiveness for poor people or will he continue to use his influence to fatten up Wall Street (lets be clear Donald Trump is only a pawn for the Unseen Hand).

8). How will he use his executive order power to support and defend the causes of civil rights violations—that was seen in the hate crime that took place in Charleston, South Carolina and other places throughout America.

9). Note: Donald Trump handpicked these 100 Negro preachers, he did not pick Minister Louis Farrakhan, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Reverend Willie Wilson, Father Michael Louis Pfleger, etc. Trump knew and clearly understood that Minister Farrakhan did not want any fried chicken and watermelon. We want complete freedom, justice and equality for the entire black race. The Negroes that were picked they do not have any real influences outside of their congregations.

10), Now, here is the sad phenomenon: This Trump and Negro preachers controversy are perfect examples of the Willie Lynch syndrome, thus most Negro preachers are ill prepared to lead our people and definitely are not prepared to quasi venture into politics—these Negroes were truly out of their league. Trump would not have sent me the damn invitation, because I was not taught a slave religious doctrine, but I was taught by a master teacher and we know how to deal with leaders like Donald Trump—but you send 100 scared to death Negro preachers to represent black folk. I am appalled and insulted by their actions.

11). These Negroes could have quoted Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. words and walked the hell out of the room King Stated: “But one hundred years later, the Negro still is not free. One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination. One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. One hundred years later, the Negro is still languished in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land. And so we've come here today to dramatize a shameful condition”.

Fahim A. Knight-El Chief Researcher for KEEPING IT REAL THINK TANK located in Durham, NC; our mission is to inform African Americans and all people of goodwill, of the pending dangers that lie ahead; as well as decode the symbolism and reinterpreted the hidden meanings behind those who operate as invisible forces, but covertly rules the world. We are of the belief that an enlightened world will be better prepared to throw off the shackles of ignorance and not be willing participants for the slaughter. Our MOTTO is speaking truth to power. Fahim A. Knight-El can be reached at

Stay Awake Until We Meet Again,
Fahim A. Knight-El